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Sunday, December 20, 2015

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Female Baltimore Teacher FIGHTS Student...THREATENS To KILL Her!!


  1. I feel for the teacher and I make no apologies for it. These teachers are dealing with losers in both the students and their parents or in the case of many, their relative guardians.
    Let's face it and time to be honest this school in west Baltimore city as well as many others in that city and elsewhere are not institutes of learning and should be renamed Pre-Detention Centers or Pre-Prison Centers because that is where the overwhelming number of the students will end up. There or 6ft under after dying a violent death.
    And while we are being honest let tell more of how it really is and not what they want to hear.
    They are the reason and the ONLY reason for any and all of their problems and it starts with young ladies who will spread their legs for any loser who looks their way. Losers who are themselves criminals, have no means to support a child and is not a positive influence on a child. As soon as they accept this fact and start improving on their extremely high welfare and illegitimacy rate will anything ever improve. They can play the blame game all they want but if they haven't figured out that's not the problem then they will not only have to but continue to wallow in the crime and poverty of their own creation. It would really help to stop being fake Christians. Going to church and praising the Lord and Amenning on Sundays gets you nothing when the rest of the week your engage in immoral practices like making babies in sinful unions.

    1. It took you this situation to come up with your old and stale narrative? ?? I hope your not a teacher.

    2. And I hope you're not a parent.

  2. Animals should be kept in cages!

  3. Good try to break it up, big kid.

  4. black on black violence

  5. Irresponsible little thug! And the teacher isn't much better but what do you expect when they have to deal with kids like this everyday. And while I have to agree with the family that the teacher should behaved better, there is no "alledgedly threw a book at the teacher". The student clearly threw a book at the teacher and should be suspended.

  6. What a mess Baltimore is! What are the Teachers and Police suppose do with these nitwit tough guys?

  7. Send your BEST child to school the other kids, well they don't go.

  8. Leadership has failed in that no teacher should have to deal with this kind of garbage in a school. Students should know they are expected to act like a civilized person or be expelled.

  9. This is one of the Children that wasn't Left Behind.

  10. This is one of the Children that wasn't Left Behind.

  11. I feel bad for the teacher also. She will probably be fired, which is actually a good thing for her. She will probably be sued by the child's mammy. She should file charges of assault. It looks to me like the little turd threw the first blow by throwing the book.

    Time for all teachers to change careers. They are not supposed to be babysitters and juvenile detention guards.

  12. After listening to the parents you understand whats wrong with the kid.

  13. The teacher has decided she doesn't want to teach anymore and the family smells a big payday.

  14. Amazes me how family members immediately defend the girl...as long as you make excuses for bad behavior it won't change. She probably ran her mouth, teacher was setting her straight and she threw the book. I have a 17 year old daughter and she knows for sure that I would not defend her for being mouthy or throwing anything...she would however lose her phone, car, or any privileges that she has in order to get my point across. This bad ass I don't have to listen or respect nobody starts in the home and if you let them get away with it then you are setting them up for this exact situation. The shame is this teacher will probably lose her job and she very well maybe an excellent teacher who finally had just had enough...teachers are not babysitters for your kids...they are not their parents...discipline them at home...teach them to respect others...don't send your problems to school...for sure this student should be expelled...your free education should be over...go get a job and pay to get your own GED.

  15. This student behavior is going on in Wicomico County Public Schools.

  16. Parent says, "You send the best child you have to school. She may be a problem child and she may have thrown a book at the teacher and she has been in trouble before for this same type of behavior, BUT the teacher should not have been in a "fight" with her. I think the child deserved an a** whipping and the teacher was totally in the right. Yeah, I can hear all the discussions about the teacher being "the adult" so she shouldn't have behaved that way. Bull. The teen knew the difference between right and wrong also but doesn't seem to be worried about it. Good for the teacher. Shame she will probably loose her job.

  17. That has happened right here in Salisbury and the teacher walked away after having a back pack thrown at her and it actually hit her. Now she has issues with every student who feels she wont enforce the class room rules if they give her any resistance. Is this anyway for a class room to be?
    These kids today want to take adult actions but want to children when they face consequences.


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