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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Football Coach Suspended For Praying After Games Files Discrimination Complaint

Earlier this year Joe Kennedy, a Washington state high school football coach, received national attention when he was suspended for praying after games at the 50-yard line. Kennedy’s tradition of praying quietly—and alone—after games began in 2008 when he was hired by the Bremerton school district. After awhile some of the athletes asked if they could join Kennedy and it grew from there.

In October all of that changed, however. The school district told Kennedy he had to not only stop praying with the athletes, but he also couldn’t even kneel down by himself at the 50-yard line anymore.

As a former Marine, Kennedy is used to fighting for the constitutional rights of all Americans, which is why he’s pushing back against the school’s decision to place him on paid administrative leave.


  1. welcome to the new un-united states

  2. Good. Pray he wins...

  3. I thought we were supposed to have religious freedom in this country. I'd keep on praying.

  4. Many pro football and baseball players signal upward when they accomplish something good. Many have million dollar contracts with million dollar agents who are lawyers. Go ahead try to fire them. As my granddad said "it aint gona happen".

  5. Thank God he's standing up!

  6. How hard is it to figure out that government buildings can't have religious ceremonies, separation of church and state. Duh..


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