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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Bill for travel websites could be headed for veto override

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Maryland’s Senate president said Monday he’s confident Gov. Larry Hogan’s veto of a bill designed to ensure that third-party travel websites pay all of the state’s sales tax is headed toward an override vote.

Senate President Thomas V. Mike Miller said in an interview with The Associated Press that there are enough Senate votes to override the Republican governor’s veto when the legislative session begins next month. Miller noted opposition to the governor’s decision from Marriott Chairman Bill Marriott and the Maryland Chamber of Commerce.

Marriott is based in Bethesda.

“Mr. Marriott and the CEO of Marriott are up in arms right now, and so we intend to work with them and work with (Maryland Secretary of Commerce) Mike Gill in terms of assuring Marriott that we are their supporters, that we’re going to override the governor’s veto, that we want to do all within our power to make certain they stay within our borders,” Miller, D-Calvert, said, noting competition with neighboring Virginia over the home for Marriott headquarters.

Supporters argued that the bill simply closes a loophole. Opponents contended it amounts to a new tax on travel websites.


1 comment:

  1. of course miller wants more takes. I hope Marriott packs up and leaves like berretta did. These politicians need to see some consequences for there actions other than no votes next go around. Packing up and leaving will send the best message. No business taxes and wage taxes to be paid to md.


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