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Friday, December 11, 2015

Dem Rep. Sanchez: 'Between 5 and 20 Percent' of Muslims Willing to Use Terrorism

Rep. Loretta Sanchez says that "anywhere between 5 and 20 percent" of Muslims are "willing to use" terrorism to establish a worldwide caliphate.

"Certainly, we know that there is a small group, and we don’t know how big that is — it can be anywhere between 5 and 20 percent, from the people that I speak to — that Islam is their religion," the California Democrat told Larry King Wednesday.

Sanchez, 55, a seven-term congresswoman who sits on the House Homeland Security Committee, was discussing the threat of the Islamic State and President Barack Obama's national speech Sunday in response to the shooting attacks in San Bernardino.

She said these extremist Muslims have "a desire for a caliphate and to institute that in any way possible, and in particular go after what they consider 'Western norms' — our way of life.

"They are not content enough to have their way of looking at the world," she added. "They want to put their way on everybody in the world."

More here


  1. Although I have no doubt that's not far off the truth worldwide, she does not have a credible survey of an appropriate population sample size to base her claims on. Just "people she talked to."

  2. The Koran is clear either YOU convert or you die. The cult of Islam is terrorism.

  3. And if each one of those 5 to 20 percent kill at least 10 Americans, how many will that add up to? How many Americans have to die at the hands of muslims before our government acts? Let some of their family members die at the hands of these scum and I bet you something would be done, yesterday.

  4. "They want to put their way on everybody in the world." Kind of like the Christians?


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