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Friday, December 11, 2015

Committee reaches out to Muslims to hear their concerns

WASHINGTON — In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, a meeting was held at the Muslim Community Center in Silver Spring, Maryland, to hear the concerns of local Muslims.

It was put on by the Montgomery County Committee on Hate/Violence, which works to stamp out hate through community education, advocacy, collaboration and legislation.

The point of the meeting was to listen to concerns and problems in order to later come up with ways to tackle them.

“I really feel so grateful to you for allowing us to have our meeting here and for opening your community home to us,” said Committee Chair Lorraine Lee-Stepney.

“We can’t allow the irrational, disrespectful and biased opinions of a few who may be running for political office in our country to define or dictate our relations with those of the Muslim faith who we call friend, colleague or neighbor,” she added.



  1. Sounds like a great place to blow up, killing Liberals and Muslims.

  2. 9:15 it would be a good start!

  3. and we're concerned about the Muslims, why????

  4. I don't hear a thing about them having similar meetings, inviting the public to voice their concerns about the significant number of irrational, disrespectful and biased Muslims amongst them.

  5. Christians bowing down to Muslims.

  6. 6:11 Funny, since they are so similar.

  7. This is just a group of bed-wetting liberals wanting to feel like they've done something wonderful.

  8. @ 9:17 another Christian basher. Why is murder wrong if there is no God?

  9. Why not ask Americans haw they feel about these people. Why ask the muslims? They have no one to blame but their fellow muslims for how America and the World feels about them.

  10. 9:31 How about the golden rule? Pretty much covers it all brilliantly and it doesn't even appear in the bible.

  11. The only thing they need to be concerned with is HOW fast they can get out of America and take ALL their family members with them and they will then have no worries and WHO even cares what they feel as this is OUR country and if they don't like it LEAVE.


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