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Saturday, November 21, 2015

You’ll Never Guess Where Most Pro-ISIS Tweets Originate From

The United States, France and Russia need to change the target list


  1. The saudies continuously screw us. Now that we have the largest oil reserve from fracking it's time to stop being so nice to those clowns. We do not need their oil.

  2. I was surprised to see the U.S. so high , apparently we have the terrorist here on our door steps.

  3. There was a great op ed in the New York Times on Nov 20 about how much the Saudis have in common with ISIS in terms of how culture and how they view the infidels. It's called "Saudi Arabia, an ISIS That Has Made It"

  4. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I was surprised to see the U.S. so high , apparently we have the terrorist here on our door steps.

    November 21, 2015 at 12:30 PM

    where have you been? we have at least 22 training camps in at least 15 states


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