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Saturday, November 21, 2015

OC Surf Club-Led Program Has Major Impact On Middle School Students

OCEAN CITY – Rich Brueckner spends his days working as the Assistant State’s Attorney in Salisbury heading up the gang and narcotics prosecution unit.

Yet, juxtaposed with his day job is a lifelong love of surfing and the intense spirituality that being in the water provides him.

This week, Brueckner and a team of instructors and volunteers from the OC Surf Club were praised for spearheading a forward thinking nine-week after-school program called “Surfing Into Integrity” at Stephen Decatur Middle School that taught students life lessons and surfing through the inspirational best-selling book, “Surfer’s Code: 12 Simple Lessons For Business and Life” by former world champion surfer Shaun Tomson.

“This is the first time the book has ever been used in the classroom,” said Brueckner. “I used to live in San Diego and became an acquaintance of Tomson. The book had such an impact on my life, and I thought it would be a great way to teach kids the important lessons about life that can’t be taught in the classroom.”


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