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Friday, November 13, 2015


The Population Crash I Warned You About Is Now Obvious

White men are dying in America. Not just your ordinary 40-55 mortality deaths, but something special, ominous and predictable which is a prelude for something much, much worse if we do nothing.

Let me be clear: no death of a person in his/her prime is acceptable. But statistically, white men in America were better fed, better protected and better tended to than other groups and tended, therefore, to have a lower mortality rate than other groups of similar age.

No longer. And the use to which this statistic may be put may change your life, shorten it or simply kill you or the children you care about.

In order to “protect us all”, I predict that drugs will be added to our water and vaccinations and other dangerous measures will be forced upon us without any semblance of Informed Consent. You can, frankly, see (and smell) it coming miles away.



  1. I am a woman. I'm very pro-feminism but only to the extent that I feel women should have the same rights and freedoms as others and not viewed superior to others. Honestly, I feel the feminist movement has taken it a bit too far and has begun to destroy a man's self worth. The truth is that men are different from women. No better. No worse. They're different but should not be degraded to show equality. In contrast, women should embrace the difference and thus the equality then is precious. If what should be the protection and provider of the family unit is degraded, a woman may look elsewhere for replacement. Often times, the replacement comes in a government form. Thus the source of degradement...

  2. White men are the target of the Progressive movement to cause unrest in America to weaken it.

  3. Bottom line is ALWAYS get a second opinion. I'm 53 and take no drugs. No blood pressure, cholesterol, what ever. Doctors are always surprised that I don't. I've had many over the years who have said I have high blood pressure and cholesterol. Tried to get me to take pills which I refused. Went to another doctor who said I'm fine. Just because they have MD behind their name doesn't mean they were top in class.

  4. we all die ..so I am told ..

  5. @ 9:31 AM That's what they want you to think.


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