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Friday, November 13, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: At least 100 reportedly killed by gunmen inside Paris concert hall

At least 100 people reportedly have been killed by gunmen inside a Paris concert hall. Two gunmen have been killed, one is in custody. At least 40 other people have been killed in several coordinated attacks throughout the city, with the death toll expected to climb. French President Hollande has declared that France is now under a state of emergency.



  1. And why was it allowed to happen? French citizens have strict anti gun laws. The terrorists know this. Wake the Hell up people. Go out of state and buy one and keep your mouth shut.

  2. Hillary said it was a reaction to a pork sausage commercial. Many good French people are dead tonight because they had no means to protect themselves. Throw every single liberal Democrat out of office before you end up dead. Don't forget they have body guards with guns.

  3. Thank God Almightly I serve an Allah that tells me to turn the other cheek and that judgement is not left in the hands of earthly men... I probably could have been killed long ago without a chance of forgiveness to hit one's soul.

  4. when are we going to send the ISIS controlled area some fresh nukes? There are no more people there - they are all refuges. Time to turn the sand into glass.

  5. And now the ignorant Obama made a statement, "Those who think they can terrorize France are wrong". Hey dummy, they just did. What a stupid bunch of voters we have in this country.

  6. And local news is reporting some meaningless robbery in Kent County as the headline. Seriously... Just another night on this Godforsaken Eastern Shore

  7. France has now closed their borders. All of Europe should rethink their open arms policy to the refugees flooding their countries.


    #1 “The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam”

    #2 “The sweetest sound I know is the Muslim call to prayer”

    #3 “We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world — including in my own country.”

    #4 “As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam.”

    #5 “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance.”

    #6 “Islam has always been part of America”

    #7 “we will encourage more Americans to study in Muslim communities”

    #8 “These rituals remind us of the principles that we hold in common, and Islam’s role in advancing justice, progress, tolerance, and the dignity of all human beings.”

    #9 “America and Islam are not exclusive and need not be in competition. Instead, they overlap, and share common principles of justice and progress, tolerance and the dignity of all human beings.”

    #10 “I made clear that America is not – and never will be – at war with Islam.”

    #11 “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.”

    #12 “So I have known Islam on three continents before coming to the region where it was first revealed”

    #13 “In ancient times and in our times, Muslim communities have been at the forefront of innovation and education.”

    #14 “Throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality.”

    #15 “Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality”

    #16 “The Holy Koran tells us, ‘O mankind! We have created you male and a female; and we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another.’”

    #17 “I look forward to hosting an Iftar dinner celebrating Ramadan here at the White House later this week, and wish you a blessed month.”

    #18 “We’ve seen those results in generations of Muslim immigrants – farmers and factory workers, helping to lay the railroads and build our cities, the Muslim innovators who helped build some of our highest skyscrapers and who helped unlock the secrets of our universe.”

    #19 “That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn’t. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear.”

    #20 “I also know that Islam has always been a part of America’s story.”

  9. Obama's dream for America ..what happened in Paris...

  10. 12:01 stop telling the dang TRUTH, you RACIST!!!


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