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Sunday, November 22, 2015

What Free Speech? Judge Bans the Words ‘Black Lives Matter’ from Clothing in Court

The idea that three words written on clothing could disrupt a courtroom is patently absurd.

Worcester, MA –
Four Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors, charged with disturbing the peace, had their trial date postponed until January 2016. However, the real story that came out of the hearing was the fact that Central District Court Judge Robert Pellegrini ruled that the protesters are banned from wearing clothing with the words “Black Lives Matter” on them in his courtroom.



  1. Good for the judge , our judicial system was created without prejudice . I'm sure if they said "all lives matter", it would be fine.

  2. Good for that Judge, enough said.

  3. I guess free speech is subjective now? I don't agree with the "movement", but the first amendment applies for everyone or not at all

  4. Start following directions and you may stay alive.

  5. 7:23 you type the words but miss the point entirely.

    "created without prejudice" which means the courts should remain ambivalent. They should remain above it all. This is just a judge getting back at people for no reason.

    You mindless morons cheer for this crap but dont realise that its your mentality and this exact attitude that is destroying this country. You fail to see the larger picture. You are allowing and cheering for the stripping of your rights.

    Its like a world full of 3 year olds.

    1. This man is a terrorist, that is what his tshirt represents.

  6. Judges court room. No open shirts. No wearing hats no chewing gum and wear something appropriate

    1. Or what? Contempt? FYI requires a warning from the judge first.

  7. 7:53 am

    You give these people to much credit in regards to how smart they would have to be to even understand what you are saying, let alone the severity of the situation and the erosion of our rights...

    These people are more stupid than dirt and I am surprised they even remember to breathe...

  8. 7:53 , good point , it's probably the shape of your head , pointed.
    I cheer for the judge because he's a professional and can make lawful decisions in his courtroom . Protest should be made in a public place without prejudice , not a courtroom. Our legal system is screwed up enough without testing the judges. This has nothing to do with freedom of speech , it has everything to do with a movement of communist activity .

  9. Great job Judge!! No prejudice! Our courtrooms should run this way!

    Enough said!

  10. Regardless of your political position, this is a clear violation of the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

  11. 7:53 AM, Please refer to 8:10 AM Comment. And just for your information, please on here are not mindless morons, you should go take a look in the mirror.

  12. 9:02 keep allowing these morons to subject us all to the hate. they have no patience for our rights. these are the same folks who do not want reporter in their safe zones. wake up.

  13. I don't know about other states but in District Court of Md has signs posted about suggested courtroom dress and it explicitly says "No T-shirts with messages or writing".It's not a race thing,its a policy

  14. Evolutionary regression is in full tilt in this country and the world.In a few years we'll return to the trees.Our language will consist of a series of grunts and groans and we'll forage for food.Clothing will be optional because we'll have a thick layer of ape hair covering our bodies.It's coming.


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