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Friday, November 06, 2015

Trump Could Win Over Hispanics Who Fear Competition From Illegals

To hear political pundits tell it, Donald Trump has little chance to attract enough Hispanic voters to win the presidency in 2016 because of his plans to build a border wall and deport all illegal immigrants in America. Some pollsters and activists who have whipped up past Hispanic support for Republicans, however, see it differently.

They think Mr. Trump’s lasering in on the economy and his perceived competence in creating jobs will appeal to the one segment of Hispanics that matters most in elections: those who work and tend to vote. That’s because those voters fear illegal immigrants will compete for their jobs under the new Obama amnesty.

“This stuff you read about how Hispanics are going to run away from Trump in droves is a Northeastern myth,” said longtime presidential campaign adviser Mark Sanders.

“Most Hispanics here in East Texas are here legally, they vote, and they are hard-line opponents of illegal immigration,” said Mr. Sanders, a top adviser in Democrat Tony Sanchez’s 2002 campaign to unseat then-Gov. Rick Perry. “The only one they want is Trump — not Hillary, not Bernie. That’s the conundrum for Democrats.”



  1. Most people are failing to realize that immigrants who came here legally are more offended by those who cross the border illegally. It's an expensive and time consuming process to get here the legal way

  2. If we were to clean up the voting process - ensuring illegals can't vote (or suck on the gov't tiddies any more), the legals will have a lot more stability in their positions...most of them are religious conservatives already!

  3. I prefer Hispanics over the murderous Muslims any day!!

  4. Gannett News did a survey on who would people rather have move in next door to them.
    It was 3 choices, a family of Blacks, a Family of Mexican's, or a Family of Muslims, Mexicans won hands down to the other two!

    Reasons cited were:
    they work hard, they are of a normal religion, they are family orientated, they have a father in the home.

    Truth is, no American likes Muslims!


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