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Friday, November 06, 2015

Obama Gets BAD News About Guns

It has become increasingly obvious that Obama’s efforts to squash the Second Amendment have failed.

New reports reveal that gun sales are at a record high for the sixth month in a row.

InfoWars reported:

The level of FBI firearm related background checks in October again hit a record high, indicating that Americans have been buying firearms at all time highs for six months in a row now.

The FBI released October’s figures, showing that it carried out 1,976,759 Instant Background Checks. This makes it the sixth consecutive month to see a record number of checks.

It also constitutes a a 373,290 increase in checks on figures from this time last year.



  1. If he is so confident that guns are bad and there are too many, he should lead by example, and un-arm all of his security personal.

  2. We all know whats coming
    to arms to arms

  3. The people are arming themselves in preparation for what they know must, and will, come. Not everyone thinks owing 19 trillion dollars is going to turn out OK....
    In the next depression (historical comparisons are stunning) people won't be nice and try to sell apples or pencils for money to buy food, and still act like part of the human race.
    Oh no.
    They will try to TAKE what you have. By any means.
    Just take note of this. These are the LEGAL purchases. There were probably at least that many "under the table", cash transactions.
    The people who believe the "government" will rescue them or save them are dead wrong --- those people will be too busy running for their lives to save anyone.
    Cheer on, baby.


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