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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Trashing Trump: Latino Kids Pound Racism Like a Pinata

EDITOR'S NOTE: This video and description of the video may be offensive to some people. View at your own risk.

Look out Trump! Latino kids born in the USA have got something to say as they hilariously let loose on Trump pounding his anti-Latino racism point-by-point like a piƱata. Some will find what they say shocking (F-bombs ahead) but there's no denying the math that you can't win the White House without the brown vote. The first video from DeportRacism.com, an online movement to fight anti-Latino racism in the 2016


  1. It won't be long before people like this will be sent back to where they came from. Vote Trump.

  2. funny the poles I see say most latinos support trump

  3. It is very sad when children are used for this.

  4. My girlfriend is from El Salvador. She LOVES his immigration policy. She and her mother fought to immigrate here the legal way. It should be the same for all.


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