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Wednesday, November 04, 2015

TELL ALL VIDEO: Hillary Clinton EXPOSED As CAREER Criminal… This Could Cost Her!

Hillary Clinton has attracted withering scrutiny in recent months during the House investigation into the Benghazi terrorist attack, as well as her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. BUT…that is not all there is smearing her history with ugly acts of deceit…there is more…

It’s worth remembering that Hillary’s record of lawbreaking goes back for decades, and the The Federalist Papers Project is circulating video circulating that shows all of the times Hillary has been involved in a scandal.

All of these scandals have cost the taxpayers millions of dollars, but somehow she manages to weasel her way out of all of them. Her claim of a vast “right wing conspiracy” is a complete farce. All of these charges are well documented and available to the public.



  1. Yes, she is a lifelong criminal and why anyone would vote for this criminal is way beyond me.

  2. Hell , look at Obama , he was the same . Nothing will be done!

  3. Bet Hillary would park in the fire lane!!

  4. It's a video that everybody should see. Any of us who did things like these would be locked away forever.

  5. Hillary can do anything that she wants and nothing will ever happen to her. It is sickening to watch her get away with everything. Anyone else would be in jail.


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