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Monday, November 16, 2015

The First Amendment Is Dying

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;Unless we’re talking about a white chocolate-paneled cake for a gay wedding or perpetual funding for ‘women’s health’ clinics, because it’s the ‘right thing to do.’

Or abridging the freedom of speech; unless that speech is used by boorish climate change denialists to peddle dirty fossil fuels and run capitalistic death machines that wreck the Earth; by anyone engaging in upsetting hate speech or other forms of ‘aggression;’ by a wealthy person supporting candidates who undermine ‘progress;’ by a pro-life protestor who makes people feel uncomfortable about their life decisions; by a cisnormative white male who displays insufficient appreciation for the “systematic oppression” that minorities experience in places of higher learning; or by anyone who has a desire to undermine the state-protected union monopolies that help fund political parties. And so on.

Or of the press; unless the press invades safe spaces designated by mobs or writes about incorrect topics at incorrect times.

And to petition the Government for a redress of grievances; unless they are members of pre-designated special interests groups, they should report to the IRS before doing so.

That’s pretty much the state of the First Amendment today. Climate change. Abortion. Gay marriage. Race. Taxes. What have you. Even in mainstream political debate, these interests outweigh your piddling concerns about the First Amendment. So the notion that a bunch of students and leftist professors would agitate to shut down free expression in a public space in Missouri because they feel their special issue trumps your antiquated list of rules is not particularly surprising.



  1. WOLC being bought by CBS affiliate WBOC is a classic example of this. I have a disdain for these people owning the monopoly on broadcast Tv. Now the same cabal has squelched the voice of true Peace here on the Lower Shore. while they promote Islam's march on humanity. Fees and legislation put WOLC on the market not a lack of listeners. Just another venue for Jimmy and Steve to read what Sumner Redstone is told to outline for the peasants. as if they don't have enough opportunity already

  2. One would suggest that the mere fact that this article could be written proves the content to be inaccurate.

  3. 9:40 ..The Emperor was naked when he was so proud of his new clothes ...eventually all of the people in the kingdom had to admit that they could not see the clothing, and the truth about the weavers was revealed.

  4. Don't be absurd!!! Only if 'we the people' let it die.

  5. Ya, ask Wicomico County Employees.


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