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Monday, November 23, 2015

Syrian Refugees Say They Will Go Back If We Don’t Meet THESE Demands

Numerous European governments have taken it upon themselves to provide aid to Syrian refugees. Evacuees are being provided with food, shelter and clothing. Despite the support they have received, these same refugees have publicly stated that they are less than impressed with their present lodgings. There was a recent television piece in the Netherlands concerning a new group of Syrian evacuees. During the segment, the refugees were approached by a Dutch reporter after discovering that they were sleeping outdoors. The refugees had decided to sleep outside in order to protest their current living conditions.

One of the refugees, an English-speaking Syrian woman, stated “this is not a life when you get inside to a room without a TV. Just a bed, there is no fridge, no lockers, no privacy.” The clothing worn by the speaker was better quality than would be expected for a refugee, and her hair had been dyed red. The woman did not stop there. She went on to say “we’re going to stay outside because we don’t want to eat this food, and we don’t want to stay in the room. We’re running away from our country because of the situation, and now we live in a jail.” The evident dissatisfaction with the afforded provisions comes as something of a shock considering that they are being provided at the expense of taxpayers. The reporter followed up with the woman the next morning. In addition to her unwavering complaints about living conditions, she also criticized the allowance the refugees were receiving from the government of the Netherlands.



  1. Well... how about that.
    Take note of this, bleeding-heart liberals, because we're going to be putting this IN YOUR FACE on a very regular basis.

    Close the gate and LOCK it.

  2. All of the military age males refugees need to be sent back to fight for 'their, country rather than other countries sending soldiers to do the fighting for them.

  3. Let them go back then!!

  4. They're all killers and rapists.

  5. The womwn Allow the future terrorists to be brought up that way.

  6. If they don't like their provisions, take all of them away and make certain you send everyone of them back where they came from. They weren't asked to come here to begin with!

  7. I'd be glad to have a shed roof over my head and PB&J three times a day if I were really running for my life. No TV? So sad.

  8. Looking the gift horse in the mouth!

  9. Please. please, please don't cave in like the Germans did. Let them go back. You don't need this type of citizen anyway. If you want more citizens try giving your own natives incentives to have more kids!

  10. well they just provided us with a way to send them back didn't they


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