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Monday, November 23, 2015

Berlin MSP Press Release 11-23-15 (Handgun Seizure/ Illegal Possession of Handgun)


  1. You have a right to cross examine your accuser in this country. I would like to hear the dogs testimony.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    You have a right to cross examine your accuser in this country. I would like to hear the dogs testimony.

    November 23, 2015 at 5:19 PM

    the dogs says he alerted to where his handler indicated he should alert. google these dogs success rates. you might be in for a surprise

  3. Majority of dogs are trained for either drugs or explosives/guns. Most are not cross trained. I say illegal search.

    1. I say the same exact thing! If I were this young man I'd fight this in court with the best lawyer that I could obtain. Within all of my years of law enforcement I've never seen a case with "several criminal indicators" win at trial. Sad to say but this could very easily be considered profiling.


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