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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sweden Descends into Anarchy

"You have to understand that Swedes are really scared when an asylum house opens in their village. They can see what has happened in other places." — Salesman for alarm systems.

Since Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by over 300% and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472%.

Many Swedes see the mass immigration as a forced marriage: Sweden is forced to marry a man she did not choose, yet she is expected to love and honor him, even though he beats her and treats her badly. Her parents (the government) tell her to be warm and show solidarity with him.

"Are the State and I now in agreement that our mutual contract is being renegotiated?" — Alexandra von Schwerin, whose farm who was robbed three times. Police refused to help.

Once upon a time, there was a safe welfare state called Sweden, where people rarely locked their doors.

Now, this country is a night-watchman state -- each man is on his own. When the Minister of Justice, Morgan Johansson, encourages breaking the law, it means opening the gates toanarchy. Mr. and Mrs. Swede have every reason to be worried, with the influx of 190,000 unskilled and unemployed migrants expected this year -- equivalent to 2% of Sweden's current population. The number is as if 6.4 million penniless migrants who did not speak English arrived in U.S. in one year, or 1.3 million in Britain.



  1. Who cares they opened there borders .

  2. If there are any Swedes listening... Don't injure the criminal. Make sure he is dead. Get rid of the body. You have a lot of open territory up there so this should be easy. And most importantly don't talk about it, EVER.

  3. there is a 45 second You Tube of the Swiss reaction to a pack of the feral hogs attacking cars and passengers...beating women...it needs to go viral .. it's everywhere

  4. This is true. Also the majority of the rapes are perpetrated by Muslims.

  5. We should be welcoming real Swedish refugees, since their country has quite literally turned on them, and sold them out.

    Not Muslim invaders.

  6. 8:29-Very good advice,but alcohol seems to get the better of most and they run their mouth.

  7. 8:09 Learn how to write.


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