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Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Chrome Updates For Windows XP, Vista To Be Discontinued

It looks like more lean times are about to arrive for Windows XP and Vista users, as Google has just announced that the Chrome browser updates will be discontinued in due time. Of course, this does not mean that the browser will no longer work – it will still, although those who are adamant on running these unsupported operating systems will not be on the receiving end of any updates.

As we all know, updates such as these are important when it comes to keeping a particular machine secure as far as possible, so to hear that support or updates for these will no longer be available is expected, although the news is still hard hitting. Machines that run on Windows XP and Windows Vista can continue to use Chrome after April 2016, although there will no longer be any more updates for its browser after that – and this will include security-focused patches.



  1. Chrome is nothing more than a window for google to record your every move

  2. It's an easy fix...don't use chrome!

  3. people still use xp or vista?

    1. Yep. I use tuning software for my truck that works better with xp. Use the laptop daily for web browsing too. As long as people use smart browsing habits there's no need for updates. I also haven't had antivirus installed in at least 5 years and no probs.

  4. chrome is wack, but some sites are optimized for it so

  5. 7:56 Most people who use Xp have little choice but to use Chrome because there isn't much else that is still getting updates on the Xp platform.

    Easier fix is to not use XP. You can not go any higher version than Internet Explorer 8 in Windows Xp and most web sites will not even work for IE8 due to how hold and unsafe it is. In comparison the common web browser for Windows is Internet Explorer 11 and now its replacement known as Microsoft Edge that comes with Windows 10.

    Really people need to just let go and move on from XP. It was developed in the late 90's and was released in 2001. it had a good run but from an IT's perspective its clunky and far outdated for today's applications.

    Now if you have an Xp PC that is used for offline purposes only then there is no risk or issue with continuing its use as long as it is still serving its purpose for you.

  6. The best way to resolve this is to move on, as some are saying.
    But I'd move on to another operating system, instead of fighting the constant battles and security issues you get with windows.
    I use Linux. Much better security, and it's FREE.
    I use PCLinuxOS. You can download and run it as a "live" CD to try it out without installing it or messing up your current system. You just boot from the CD.
    I've been using Linux for years now. There is a bit of a learning curve, but the rewards of being free from the hassles of the other system make it well worth the trouble.

  7. The next time you take a trip take your computer along and throw it off of the first tall bridge you cross.Make sure that bridge is high enough to completely destroy it,as you may have second thoughts and go back to retrieve it.


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