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Friday, November 06, 2015

State trooper delays telling children of parents’ death, takes care of them on Halloween

MORGAN COUNTY, Georgia -- Faced with the somber task of informing four children that their parents had been killed in a car wreck on Halloween, a big-hearted Georgia state trooper opted to do things a little differently.

Rather than just announce the devastating news there and then, Trooper Nathan Bradley decided to take the costume-clad kids under his wing for the evening and allow them to enjoy Halloween. He also started an online fundraising campaign to help the family.

Bradley has recounted the heartbreaking moment when he and two other officials arrived at the family home in Morgan County to deliver the news.



  1. WOW!! GOD BLESS TROOPER BRADLEY! !!! Tell me that GOD doesn't exist! #!!!

  2. Amen, to that. GOD BLESS THIS WONDERFULLY KIND TROOPER. What a class act.

  3. God does exist in this man.

    Does He exist in you?

    Thank you, Trooper Bradley. Now those kids will remember All Saints Day as the day Mom and Dad entered Heaven.

  4. So nice to hear the Good this man did!
    Hope others follow in his footsteps!!


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