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Friday, November 06, 2015

Gloria Steinem: You’re Racist If You Attack Planned Parenthood

But P.P. founded by a racist and aborts a disproportionate number of African-Americans!

Gloria Steinem claimed the current backlash against Planned Parenthood is an attempt to restore a “long-term racist system,” despite the estimated 16 million African-Americans that have been aborted since 1973.

“[The attack] is part of an ultra right-wing attempt to restore the basis of patriarchy or a male-dominant system and the necessity of a long-term racist system which is controlling reproduction,” the CIA-connected feminist activist told PBS’ Tavis Smiley on Tuesday. “And to control reproduction, you have to control the bodies of women.”

That’s quite a few buzzwords Steinem used there while ignoring the fact that a lot of the organization’s critics are not “ultra right-wing” but simply have a problem with harvesting aborted baby organs for profit.

And considering that abortion kills 19 times as many African-Americans as murder, how can she possibly suggest that attacking Planned Parenthood is racist? What kind of inverted reality is she living in?



  1. She lives in libtard land. The nation of useful idiots

  2. Gloria, sit down and shut up. Nobody is interested in you any more.

  3. now girls let's see if we can all play together

  4. Gloria, git in the kitchen and make me a sammich!

  5. Your gonna like sharia law.

  6. If I get a chocolate milkshake, I'm racist. If I get a vanilla shake I'm racist. I don't like strawberry, so no more milkshakes.


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