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Sunday, November 08, 2015

Rachel Dolezal Admits She Was Born White, Still Identifies As Black

Rachel Dolezal, the former head of the Spokane NAACP who made a career out of claiming she was black until she was exposed last summer, finally recognized what the rest of the world, including her parents, know: she is biologically Caucasian, or white.

Interviewed on the talk show “The Real,” Dolezal acknowledged biological reality: “I acknowledge, I was biologically born white, to white parents.”

But she didn’t buckle to social pressure, and she continued to say she lives as an African-American. “I identify as black,” she smilingly told the African-America host of the show.

When the panel pressed Dolezal as to whether she had truly experienced what black people do, Dolezal offered, “I think, walking the walk in terms of philosophical, cultural, like what I was talking about in terms of the broader definition, the Pan-African definition of blackness… Is there a singular experience?”



  1. have we not spent enough time on this poser?

  2. She's an educated, THOT. Why are we talking about her.

  3. I guess she thought it was cool to be half black half white ask the idiot obama how that worked out.

  4. A DNA test would nip this in the bus ASAP.A friend of mine had a mother and father who clearly appeared to be white.When she a DNA analysis she was found to be 13% African American & that the parents who raised her were her biological parents.One should never assume anything when it comes to their lineage.

  5. OMG!!!! Okay -so we have become so liberal that transgenders are in whatever restroom they choose AND NOW......we are going to have trans-ethnicity???? Where does this mass liberalism stop???? Im white today ...black tomorrow and hell I think Ill be Japanese next week!! WTF?

  6. my truck is a gmc, but it identifies as a range rover...

  7. She did more for the NAACP then most ever had. Then she was exposed as white and was fired?

    1. You know what, that free college education she received from s black university brought about lies and deceit could had gone to someone of the black community. That black man or woman could have been honored for doing the same exact thing she did for the NAACP the right way. By being honest as to who they are.

    2. 457 she did a great job and helped the black community that's a fact. But you don't like it because she was white? Isn't about helping not matter the color? People like you are always going to be the problems.

    3. I'm not the problem. I'm a lifetime observer. Do you really believed she helped the black community. Think about it. There are more poor blacks in this country since the 60's. There are more incarcerated blacks in this country since the 60's. The are more single black women with childrens and most of their kids have different daddies since the 60's. There are more young black men and women in gangs killing one another since the 60's. There are more dysfunctional black families in this country since the 60's. And, their more black children since the 60's in this country who don't understand the hardships they are about to face when they become legal adults and venture out into this world on their own. They have no survival skills which makes them venerable. I am 58 years old. I'm an educated women. I'm also a veteran. I am proud to be Black. One thing I do know is this, black folks today are worst off then they ever have been. Our faith and belief is in shambles. Our self worth is in turmoil. Our true identity is gone because we are so disliked not only by our own people based on color (dark skin, vs light skin, vs want to be white skin) but by other groups as well. Unemployment among us is high. Educational opportunities is low. And, our voting rights, privilege and opportunity is in question. When Dr. Martin Luther King died, his dreams died with him. If Dr. King dreams where still alive; racism, discrimination and hatred would not be the main focus in this country. Everybody including blacks and whites would love one another. But, this definitely is not the case. People like Dolezal and the NAACP have done quite well behind the misfortune of black people. But, have their own achievements improve you or your entire family livelihood. I guess not. Whatever tragedy, broken dreams and denials that has befallen on us as people, they have reap the financial benefits. That's why after all these years of, we shall overcome some day; young, promising, smart, and strong black decendants of slaves are asking themsrlvrs, does Black Lives Matter. Ask yourself that. Why in 2015 with a Black man in the white house as the President of the United States, we are asking ourselves, does Black Lives Matter?

  8. Today call me butterfly.

  9. 1.You got Bruce Jenner a man, who wants to be a woman
    2.You got Michael Jackson a black man, who bleaches his skin, straightens his hair, and has plastic surgery to look white.
    3.You got Rachael Dolezal who is a white woman, who wants to be black and try to fool everyone into believing this lie.
    4.You got Chastity Bono who is a female, who changes her name to Chad and becomes a man.

    ANYTHING GOES anymore in this weird world we live in, and things like this that would be shocking doesn't even faze anyone anymore. Crazy people doing crazy things!

  10. Feb of 2017 cant come soon enough, then we will delouse the Whitehouse.

  11. A hundred years ago, light skinned mulatto blacks would attempt to "pass for white" in order to enjoy the same rights and privileges of white people. Now that blacks have more rights and privileges than whites, it is no wonder we're starting to see people attempting to "pass for black".

    Not me. I am what I am, and who I am.

  12. She also feels she is a Man trapped in a Woman's body so she is going to pull a "Jenner", next.

  13. Im gonna carry my inner black self down to the welfare line......get me some freeeeebies!!

  14. Newsflash ..her 30 seconds ended about a minute after she was outted

  15. She belongs in an insane asylum never to see the light of day ever again.

  16. Too bad the insane asylums are closed. She's a prime candidate.

  17. 7:57 are you from a parallel Universe?. Only a cliche Progressive bigot could construe his comment as being racist.. you have no idea who she helped besides herself.

    1. 837 who is the racist now? You obviously have anger issues? Of course you think it's a "he" couldn't dare be a "she" allowed to voice opionin!! You are insulting.

    2. She helped me..

  18. She is probably Bi-Polar and is a Transvestite too I heard

  19. Anonymous said...
    my truck is a gmc, but it identifies as a range rover...

    November 4, 2015 at 1:43 PM

    My truck is a Ford and I identify it as a Ford.

  20. Anonymous said...
    1.You got Bruce Jenner a man, who wants to be a woman
    2.You got Michael Jackson a black man, who bleaches his skin, straightens his hair, and has plastic surgery to look white.
    3.You got Rachael Dolezal who is a white woman, who wants to be black and try to fool everyone into believing this lie.
    4.You got Chastity Bono who is a female, who changes her name to Chad and becomes a man.

    ANYTHING GOES anymore in this weird world we live in, and things like this that would be shocking doesn't even faze anyone anymore. Crazy people doing crazy things!
    November 4, 2015 at 1:56 PM

    These are all cases of a severe mental illness that Liberal America refuses to identify and put them in an institution.

  21. She and Bruce Jenner should hook up lol. Wonder what kind of off spring they would have lol. Wow. Oh wait it would just be another Kardashien. So if they can identify as something other then they are why can't I identify as a confederate or a pumpkin or Big foot.


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