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Sunday, November 08, 2015

Problems At The Seaford Police Department?

On Monday, Nov. 2nd a dispatcher with Seaford Police Dept. in Seaford Delaware made a very bold and degrading comment that impacted the community and surrounding areas near and far. Her statement pertaining to a Homicide in Dover Delaware was "DPD shouldn't waste another minute or the chance of officer safety on these trashy smucks...... Leave them in the streets eventually the city, street dept, or relative will come along and claim the body....... it's annoying".

She is a dispatcher that is the first point of contact for any emergency call for help. Her bias and insensitive personal feelings (in which she chose to post on social media) really have no place in a profession that provides services for those in the community.

How can citizens feel comfortable and reassured that when they call 911 for help that dispatcher Angie Marie Cowgill will execute her duties accordingly with bias or prejudice.

This could be your child, niece, mother, father etc needing help!

Emergency dispatchers need to have empathy and compassion and truly her statements seen by many does not display that.

If Angie Marie Cowgill is removed from her position within the Seaford Police Department it will give the citizens of an already scarred community a sense of relief knowing that they can call 911 without judgement.



  1. I tend to agree with her. The same ones killing each other off are the same ones who are against the police this includes the victims also. It's people living a high risk lifestyle who only want the police when it suits them and that is not how it works. If she said this then she said it and it is her opinion and instead of calling for her head how about countering her statement with facts. The problem is this won't happen because those calling for her firing know she is exactly correct in her opinion! Instead of promoting silly petitions how about going in the streets and telling these people to stop killing EACH OTHER. Try being production instead being the only and real problem.

  2. So stupid. No I'm not signing any ridiculous petitions. People need to stop with being offended by everything. Such weaklings this country is turning into. No wonder so many don't have the proverbial pot to take a leak in. Weaklings who get offended over words are the ones who aren't worth a darn.

  3. You Go Girl! She should be commended for saying what everyone is thinking. Thugs killing thugs.

  4. There is nothing wrong with telling it the way it is. Facts are facts and numbers don't lie.

  5. She may have been correct in what she said...but she can't voice it publicly no matter what; especially on social media...she does need to go! Professionalism is what she is lacking and the only thing she should have shown, not her ignorance!

  6. No professionalism is NOT gilding the lily! It is time those who deal with this day in and day out speak out! If some don't like it then seek to change what is causing those in the trenches to say this kind of thing. FYI 9:24 "ignorance" are those who can't handle the truth. That ignorance-utter and sheer ignorance.

  7. 9:24 You are confusing professionalism with political correctness. Professionalism is telling the truth even if the truth isn't pretty because confronting IS the ONLY way to conquer. Political correctness is ignoring and pretending a problem doesn't exist.
    Yes, instead of wasting time on some goofy petition, put your energy where it matters and work to get these terrorist thugs who are turning neighborhoods into war zones off the streets, then no one will have anything some consider 'insensitive' to talk about.
    Petitions are for the weak both in mind and in body. Actions are for the strong!

  8. I wish I could be a Angie Marie Cowgill, instead of a yellow belly too scared to say (out loud) to the leaches of society what I am thinking. Thank you Angie for telling it like it is. Maybe your actions will start the process of bringing a once great Nation back.

  9. What lunatic started this petition nonsense. Anybody that calls 911 and worries that they may be judges needs a mental evaluation ASSP.
    Get a life! And YES thank God Ms Angie Marie Cowgill tells it like it IS instead of what the loser of society want to hear.

  10. thanks for posting this Joe. I just signed it and shared.

  11. Why should I sign my name to take away her career when she tells the truth?

    I'll not sign anything of the sort!

  12. Anonymous Steve said...
    Why should I sign my name to take away her career when she tells the truth?

    I'll not sign anything of the sort!

    November 4, 2015 at 9:13 PM

    That is your prerogative. Regardless if it is the truth or not someone in her position should not be saying that, especially publically. AND when she is being paid with our tax dollars to provide a service to ALL people in the community.

    We can also safely assume her bias affects her performance of her duties, making her unfit for that position.

    But other than that, it's just the typical hate on the eastern shore.

  13. Get a life (& a backbone) 9:51 and don't ever "safely assume" anything. If you personal feelings get in the way of YOUR job performance then YOU have the problem. People can and do all the time separate such. You should be in a trauma center when a gun shot (thug)victim comes in. You haven't heard anything. This is mild.
    Also if you call telling the truth about the way you feel "hate" then your problems run deeper.
    Learn to be a strong person instead of a whimpering cowering coward. Get over your offended personality. YOU will become the better person for it.

  14. You should be in a trauma center when a gun shot (thug)victim comes in. You haven't heard anything. This is mild.
    Also if you call telling the truth about the way you feel "hate" then your problems run deeper.
    Learn to be a strong person instead of a whimpering cowering coward. Get over your offended personality. YOU will become the better person for it.

    November 5, 2015 at 8:26 AM

    and that is wrong too. I don't think you know what constitutes a 'strong' person. you clearly cannot control your own emotions so how could you dictate to others? oh wait, are you the bf?

  15. 8:26 AM

    what you are describing is a psychopath. you sound like a cop

  16. Lol Black Lives Matter mam. You can think it but in a hyper racist Black community what you said hurt their murderous feelings. Sorry I say this lady said the right thing. If there are no documented problems with her work she should have never been fired. It is like firing her for saying she believes in God. She stated what she feels based on her line of work. I would love to know what percentage of time is spent by the police working Black crime in America. I can assure you it is staggering based on the fact they are still a minority. Do yourself a favor go visit the hood and have a chat with these upstanding folks. It will not make you a racist it will open your eyes. It is like two worlds. The real world and the perceived world these people operate in. It is eye opening to say the least.

  17. Have you met the dispatchers for Crisfield PD?

  18. One must educate thyself before speaking. This tends to be the problem with most in this country!
    Here are the facts:
    The gentleman killed on this nite in particular was a Bystander (innocent victim who was helping a family member move into a house. He was not from the community) Thanks to Dover Police Department and Wboc and WMDT for clarifying that.
    The shooter has been captured and locked up.
    Some of the comments I read are very racist. It's very sad that we as people walk amongst each other everyday and truly have these feelings about blacks, minorities etc.
    This dispatcher must have felt later there was something wrong with her post on a website for many to see because she erased it. However it seems her racist comments were captured by todays technology!
    So now knowing the facts I wonder how many of you have a different aspect on the matter!
    My guess is prolly none because majority of yall posting comments are die hard racist! NOW THATS FACTS 101


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