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Friday, November 06, 2015

OPM hires new cybersecurity advisor

The Office of Personnel Management has hired a new senior cybersecurity expert to address problems following the agency’s massive data breach.

Clifton Triplett will serve as the senior cyber and information technology advisor to acting OPM Director Beth Cobert, the agency announced Wednesday in a press release.

“To help build on the federal government’s efforts to strengthen our cybersecurity posture and provide assistance to individuals impacted by the recent cyber intrusions, we must recruit and retain a variety of highly motivated and qualified individuals from this constantly evolving field,” Cobert said.

1 comment:

  1. From reading his background, another government crony hire without documented IT Security experience, training, or credentials!

    Someone show me I'm wrong - please...I would like to have hope that the current administration CAN hire competent people!


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