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Friday, November 06, 2015

Hillary and The Road Not Taken

These lines by Robert Frost, from his famous poem “The Road Not Taken,” still echo through the noise of popular culture:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Conventional wisdom tells us that taking the road less traveled is a good thing. It has a certain heroic quality. It implies a fortuitous outcome.

It seems that this traveler, departing from his rat-in-a-maze mentality, suddenly stops to consider another way of doing things, joyously frees himself from his thoughtless routine, follows his bliss, takes wing on his newly-discovered path, and overcoming all obstacles, ultimately prevails.

Queue the applause track; as the curtain falls, our heroic pilgrim lives happily ever after.


1 comment:

  1. In her case, the road less traveled is the one taken by criminals and the underworld - killing people for investigating you, lying while in office (I guess most politicians go down that road) - resulting in the deaths of our representatives abroad, using your own mail server to hide your activities.

    All part of the road Hillary took!

    This needs to be widely publicized - the only election she should be able to win is from a jury sentencing her to prison.....


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