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Friday, November 13, 2015

O’Malley Finds Hardly Any Superdelegate Support So Far

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley has almost no committed support so far from Democratic superdelegates in his bid to win his party’s presidential nomination, even in his home state.

While O’Malley has run as a new-generation leader who can point to a list of progressive accomplishments, Hillary Rodham Clinton has swept up eager endorsements in his political backyard from superdelegates who cite her experience.

“Hillary has worn many hats in her lifetime — secretary of state, U.S. senator, first lady, daughter, wife, mother, grandmother, lawyer, public servant, congressional staffer and more,” U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin said in his endorsement of Clinton in May.



  1. O'Malley needs to give it up, and go away.

  2. I thought he moved to thialand!

  3. Every bit of support he gets is way more than he deserves.

  4. And Ben Cardin's quote is laughable. Hillary obviously hasn't excelled in any of her roles, failing in most.

  5. yes, she may have worn the hats, but there was nothing under them.

  6. Superdelaget support? He can't even get support from a welfare recipient.

  7. Dear Ben,
    Mrs. Clinton may have worn a lot of hats, but to quote an old Texas bit of wisdom, she's "All hat and no cattle."


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