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Friday, November 13, 2015

Established Veterans Groups Fight To Attract The Next Generation

At American Legion Post 87 in High Point, N.C., the bar is jumping, even though some of the patrons are almost 70 years old.

"The sad part is, some of the older vets, the World War II, the Korea vets, they're passing on," says Fred Iannone, the post's commander. "The Vietnam veterans so far, we're holding our own."

Veterans organizations, like the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars, are losing their older members and struggling to attract the younger veterans of more recent wars.

Around the country, more than 2,000 American Legion and VFW posts have closed. Those same posts — with their baseball leagues and scholarships — were once deeply woven into the fabric of their communities.

Post 87 won't shrink this year, partly because it's absorbing the members of a nearby post that shut down.



  1. I didn't respect or admire anyone I served with. It was the worst four years of my life, bar none. Why on God's Green earth would I want to associate with those people now that I am free of the uniform and them?

    It boggles the mind.

    1. 11:47 have you forgot why you wore that uniform. The reason you are able to voice your opinion here is because many men died wearing that uniform that you wore. My guess is you are a miserable human being in or out of uniform. The men you served with probably just as glad to see you go. Just return to your cave quit bitching.

    2. He probably got kicked out. That's sad. You can still be proud even if you didn't enjoy it. But when u don't, you r no better than the ones who run from it

  2. 4:26, My guess is, you are one of the pompous, self righteous walking turds I loathed in service. People who wore their uniform as a shield against being human, who lorded rank over someone if they had 15 min. more time in rank and all the other minor and petty horse whippings that happen on a daily basis in order to carve out their little fiefdoms of power. People like you, who feel compelled to step up and tell others to go back to their cave because they say things you disagree with are pathetic.

    And for the record, I have enjoyed my life immensely, once I took off the uniform. It has allowed me to choose with whom I associate. And I choose to live by my father's wise words. He used to tell me on a regular basis, "Son, Life is just too short to associate with arseholes." I live by that and am delighted I have never met your horse's arse.

  3. 8:20 can you be any more repugnant?.. Move to North Korea

  4. 8:20 your type in the unit I served in would have give you a party. The party was called , blanket party. I would gladly be the one to organize it.

  5. Just look at all the turds coming out of the woodwork! Ain't Life Grand!

  6. That's good... do a beat down on someone you disagree with. Any questions on why our country is in deep kimchi.



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