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Thursday, November 05, 2015

ISIS Tweets out Praise for Muslim UC Merced Stabbing Suspect

Faisal Mohammad, the deranged, depraved — and very dead — Muslim stabber who attacked a bunch of fellow students at UC Merced in California just got some high praise from radical Islamic terror group ISIS.

See? Saying “radical Islamic terror” isn’t that difficult after all, Mr. President!

Yeah, this sort of nuttiness kind of destroys the wacky progressive narrative that Islam is a “religion of peace,” don’t you think?



  1. Beware, The new America .

  2. We all should arm ourselves because it's going to get worse.

  3. Obama is a psycho--but he has an agenda to get these wackos in our country to start a war... well--The US is armed to the teeth unlike the other pansy countries--

  4. Yes 5:58 we are. We will only take so much before we explode. Unfortunately when it happens it will be very ugly before we regain our freedom again. But I can promise this: I will never forget the liberals that got us here. I will not protect them nor will I sacrifice for them.

  5. Screw you wacko! Go to somebody else's country to become a martyr.

  6. We have to explode before we've been entirely annihilated. While we are still armed and dangerous to those who are carrying out their mission to destroy our country.


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