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Friday, November 06, 2015

Houston Voters Say No To Houston LGBT Ordinance

A win for common sense and rationality

(NY Times) A yearlong battle over gay and transgender rights that turned into a costly, ugly war of words between this city’s lesbian mayor and social conservatives ended Tuesday as voters repealed an anti-discrimination ordinance that had attracted attention from the White House, sports figures and Hollywood celebrities.

The City Council passed the measure in May, but it was in limbo after opponents succeeded, following a lengthy court fight, in putting the matter to a referendum.

The Times seems a bit upset that citizens would be allowed to vote on this.

Supporters said the ordinance was similar to those approved in 200 other cities and prohibited bias in housing, employment, city contracting and business services for 15 protected classes, including race, age, sexual orientation and gender identity. Opponents said the measure would allow men claiming to be women to enter women’s bathrooms and inflict harm, and that simple message — “No Men in Women’s Bathrooms” — was plastered on signs and emphasized in television and radio ads, turning the debate from one about equal rights to one about protecting women and girls from sexual predators.



  1. Men do not belong in women's bathrooms.

    Geez, do we really have to debate such an idea?

  2. 12:52 PM, Yes, in Maryland we really have to debate this idea because of all the liberals that live here. Ireton thinks he belongs in the women's bathroom and I believe her already has been there and done that.


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