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Friday, November 06, 2015

County rejects high road on medicinal pot license

With the deadline looming and the competition heating up between counties for medicinal marijuana grower and dispensary licenses, the Worcester County Commissioners decided to forego a request by their new economic development director for endorsement of an application to bring new agricultural and pharmaceutical opportunities to the county seat.

“We’re looking at the big picture — other counties are supportive,” Economic Development Director Merry Mears said.

Referring to Somerset County, Mears said that county’s commissioners are lobbying hard for the agricultural jobs the production of medicinal cannabis will bring.

“This is coming,” Mears said. “There are the opportunities for jobs and revenue. This is the only official request (for a Worcester license), and I recommend issuing the letter.”

There will only be 15 grower licenses issued for the entire state. Only two dispensaries will be allowed per state senate district. Worcester County has just one district, which includes Somerset County and part of eastern Wicomico. Western Wicomico shares its district, and a potential two dispensaries, with Talbot, Dorchester and parts of Caroline counties.



  1. They should put it in Somerset. A lot of experienced growers already in place! I can't tell you about Worcester, I don't live there.

  2. It's going to be another good-old-boy deal, just like the casinos. Only 15 licenses for the whole state, and the well-connected and well-heeled will be the ones who will be "awarded" the licenses.

    A government-enforced quasi-monopoly, no less. Little competition, little incentive for quality or efficiency. When Big Buds, Inc. catches wind of another grower with a backyard of his own strain of ganja, all they have to do is call the government thugs to put the competition out of business, and probably imprisoned.

    Look how well government interference in regional cable company "franchises" has worked out for the consumer.

  3. Why does Worcester County need to control the sale and distribution of liquor yet they are willing to chance ordinary people to manage the weed business? I'm sure they will pick a capable Cartel.

    1. Because "ordinary people" have been successfully cultivating it for a long, long time. Why would you think some appointed bureaucrat should "oversee" something he knows nothing about!?

      That's what is wrong with all these government "advisory boards" and petty officials and so on. Nothing but government skimming off what should be private enterprise, and meddling in the free market.

  4. It doesn't take much to grow weeds and that is exactly what cannabis is, a weed. It won't be grown out in fields, they will be worse than the chicken companies with their requirements, restrictions and security. Just ask your county councilman Matt Holloway what's involved, he's already made all the inquiries.

    1. Cannabis cultivation is highly sophisticated, just like any valuable cash crop. If you think it's just growing some weeds, I challenge you to pick up a copy of High Times magazine and read it cover to cover.


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