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Thursday, November 05, 2015

Grant Twp, PA, Bans Fracking Injection Wells Again, Despite Court Ruling

Have you heard this one? A Corporation, the Government, and a Federal Court walk into a community…

With the State, Industry, and Court Telling Grant Township, PA, They Can’t Say “No” to Frack Waste - the People Again Say “Yes” to Ban and Local Bill of Rights

Grant Township, Indiana County, Pennsylvania 

Last night, the people of Grant Township adopted the country’s first municipal charter establishing a local bill of rights. The Grant Bill of Rights codifies environmental and democratic rights, and bans frack wastewater injection wells as a violation of those rights.

Grant joins growing numbers of communities across Pennsylvania and the U.S. that are coming together in aCommunity Rights Movement, to stand up to a system of law that forces frack waste wells and other practices into communities, and protects corporations over people, communities, and nature.

Industry Sues Grant Township – claims corporate “right” to dump frack waste, says no right to local self-government

The passage of the Grant charter comes fourteen months after the Township was sued by Pennsylvania General Energy Company (PGE) and the Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association (PIOGA). PGE proposed a frack wastewater injection well for the community, against the wishes of Township residents. Injection wells have polluted drinking water and triggered earthquakes in several states.
In June 2014, the elected officials of Grant Township adopted a Community Bill of Rights Ordinance, which prohibited the injection well as a violation of the community’s rights to clean air and water, and local self-government.

In its lawsuit, PGE claimed that it had a “right” to inject wastewater into the Township. PIOGA has also declared that there is “no constitutional right to local self-government” or to be free from the harms associated with oil and gas production. Although a recent ruling in mid-October invalidated a portion of the Ordinance, the people of Grant Township have now reinstated the ban that the judge overturned. Transformation of the community into a home rule Township now invalidates most of that court ruling.

Stacy Wanchisn Long, local resident and a member of the commission that drafted the charter, stated, "Today's vote reaffirms what our residents have been saying for the past year: We are standing up to protect our rights, and we reject the proposed injection well. All of this is possible because of the support and involvement from so many Grant Township residents over the past year who have been unwavering in their commitment to ensure the people of Grant have more of a say over what happens in our community."

Chad Nicholson of the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF), served as a consultant to the commission that drafted the charter. CELDF has assisted close to 200 communities across the U.S. to advance community rights. "Tonight, the people of Grant Township spoke loud and clear: They have rights, and they will protect those rights. We at CELDF congratulate the people of the Township on becoming the first municipality in the nation to draft and adopt a local, rights-based constitution,” Nicholson said.

Nicholson added, “This isn't David versus Goliath. This isn't just one community standing up to say ‘no.’ Grant Township is joining with communities across the country who are standing up collectively and saying to government and corporations, ‘We’re no longer willing to be fracked, poisoned, and polluted.’ They are mobilizing against a system of law that empowers corporations over communities, and empowers government to preempt communities from protecting their air and water. Communities are saying this is not acceptable, it's not sustainable, it's not democratic, and it’s going to change.”

The Grant Township charter recognizes rights to clean air and water, the right to be taxed fairly, and the right to local community self-government. It protects those rights by banning frack wastewater injection wells. While other communities have amended existing charters with rights-based provisions, Grant Township's charter is the first that is written entirely on the basis of asserting and protecting rights.


  1. I am sure the energy companies would object to poison being pumped into their backyard too. But, get the government "who is here to protect us" or state to say the people of this community have no rights is complete BS!!

  2. These people are a bunch of morons! I suppose they think cell phones are causing cancer too.


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