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Thursday, November 05, 2015

Anger & Fear: The Way They Keep You Pointlessly Voting for President (Like Anything Will Ever Change)

Political strategists know if they push your buttons, they can get you to keep mindlessly, pointlessly voting… even though it won’t change a damn thing.
Political strategists (and the people running the show) know it works even though, deep down, most voters in this country have long ago realized somewhere inside that voting, at least in the federal elections, has all of about zero effect on actually changing anything and is basically a meaningless gesture that simply solidifies one’s willing participation in a slave system.
Political strategists have figured out how to keep people mindlessly, pointlessly voting anyway.
Pick your boogeyman: undocumented immigrants or Wall Street bankers.
Let’s stick with the immigrants, she thinks. Just link the border to the national angst and tell everybody that migrants and the idiots who let them in killed the American Dream.
But it’s not that simple. This has to be about more than scaring people…
So, which will it be to keep the masses obediently voting for the country’s continued destruction at the hands of central banks and corrupt corporate interests?
Fear or anger? Anger or fear?
Because, despite Schoolhouse Rock cartoons and the propaganda taught in our public schools, patriotic duty and that little “I voted” flag sticker they hand out aren’t what keep people voting in modern America.
Emotional manipulation in some of its most basic forms is what keeps people voting in modern America. This is openly admitted, it’s just that no one is paying close enough attention.
Fear works a little, but ultimately, it’s a combination of fear and anger that really does the trick.


  1. Get rid of the political parties. Have a primary election with anyone who wants to run for office on the ballot. Have ballots where the candidates are listed in different orders(A-Z on one Z-A on another by last name and then the same for first name, that way 4 different ballots for voters to look at so they have to know who they want to vote for). Top 3 vote getters move on to the general election. If no candidate gets a majority then have a runoff election 2 weeks later to determine who gets elected. Do this for all major offices both federal and state.

  2. The Supreme Court overturned the Gore victory in 2000.Keep them and the Electoral College out of politics.

  3. "The Supreme Court overturned the Gore victory in 2000." Oh, bullshit. When will you people quit with this fabrication. Team Gore did everything they could to steal that election - including denying active service members their right to vote. There never was a "Gore victory'. I'm no fan of Bush, but Gore would have been a disaster on par with the current loser in the White House.

  4. 5:53 PM

    you are lost

  5. "you are lost" And you are illiterate. Care to support your post with facts? Or do you just regurgitate the same tired talking points that you are told?


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