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Monday, November 09, 2015

Feds award $28 million to study ‘maglev’ train system for Maryland

The U.S. Transportation Department has awarded nearly $28 million to conduct studies on building a high-speed rail line that would carry passengers between Washington and Baltimore in about 15 minutes, according to Maryland officials.

The money will support ­private-sector efforts to bring magnetic-levitation trains to the region as part of a larger vision for building a maglev system along the Northeast Corridor.

Maryland’s Department of Transportation and the state’s Economic Development Corporation applied for the federal funds in April, with an understanding that the Japanese government and Baltimore-
Washington Rapid Rail, a private group, would provide significant investments for the project.



  1. Don't stop in the Bury the thugs will rob you and trash it.

  2. How many people will actually use the service? What will the cost per trip be? The number of stops in between WILL impact the overall speed.....

    Awful lot of money for the yet to be defined benefits!

  3. Another boondoggle with waste of taxpayers money.

  4. just do not take our highway money for the study like omally did.

  5. We don't need no stinking new technology. Them there horse and buggies be working just fine.

  6. 1:13
    What we don't need is somebody's high school science project being tried with taxpayer money

  7. Did I read that right? To study ? 28 million to study? wtf is wrong with this country.

  8. that's alot for just a study.


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