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Monday, November 09, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: Investigation accuses Russian athletes of doping, sabotaging 2012 London Olympics

Report by World Anti-Doping Agency accuses Russia of widespread doping and a cover-up by track and field athletes during the London games, leading the IAAF to consider suspending Russia from future track and field competition.



  1. Yeah… I heard interpole was investigating this situation. Don't they have other things to do with their time? Or is there more important things going on in the world? Here I thought terrorism may be a little bit more important . Silly me!

  2. Globalists taking issue with Putin?...imagine that

  3. Ban them like we did in the 80's

  4. All a world leader has to do is step up to the plate in desperate times.That seems to ignite a backlash everywhere,including in the US.Check RT to find out exactly why this retalliation has occurred.This issue will only make the ISIS strikes by Russia increase daily.


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