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Sunday, November 08, 2015

Couple seeks right to marry. The hitch? They're legally father and son

The legalization of same-sex marriage has given way to a new problem for a Pennsylvania couple, who technically are father and son.

Before states across the country began striking down bans on same-sex marriage and the Supreme Court ultimately decided the issue nationwide, some gay couples used adoption laws as a way to gain legal recognition as a family, and the related benefits such as inheritance and hospital visitation rights.

Nino Esposito, a retired teacher, adopted his partner Roland "Drew" Bosee, a former freelance and technical writer, in 2012, after more than 40 years of being a couple.

Now, they're trying to undo the adoption to get married and a state trial court judge has rejected their request, saying his ability to annul adoptions is generally limited to instances of fraud.



  1. So,he fuc*s his own son, and wants gay marriage federal/state benefits.

    There's a REASON for the third generation rule in real marriage.

    This is the American Degradation you all are voting for!

  2. Just when you think the gays can't become anymore foul.

  3. Sounds like a very good case of fraud to me....

    These deviants, these whack jobs who keep pushing the line of right and wrong, do they have annual meetings where they decide which strange and abnormal behaviors and actions they can push on everyone else in the upcoming year?

  4. UGH.

    I'm not against gay people getting married. But think about it...a man trying to annul his marriage so he can marry his adopted/step-daughter. Like Woody Allen and Soon Yi.

    Disgusting and immoral.....and very disturbing.

  5. I'm sure the LEFT will figure out how to make this happen. Why can't they figure out how to balance a federal budget, fight a war or something that might benefit this country?

  6. So now if Bruce Jenner goes missing they will post a photo of him on a carton of Half and Half.

  7. The only man who started on a box of Wheaties and ended up on fruitloops.

  8. These fruits want to also be able to use any restroom they want, regardless of what God made them.

  9. 8:11 please don't compare these disgusting degenerates to a paedophile!

  10. I have to admit that I totally understand why they went the adoption route. Older gay couple that has been together for 40 years was trying to be proactive so their partner could step up and legally be capable to make decisions. Odd way to handle things but you do strange things when you're desperate. I hope they can get married soon.

  11. Thank you 1:52 for reading the article before commenting!

  12. This is awful, just think of what they do in the bedroom to each other, yuck!

  13. This is just disgusting

  14. THEY need help!!!! they're obviously sick.

  15. Here is the argument here stated another way:

    Westboro Baptist Church members are lecherous cretins with questionable morals and crazy ideas, and since they call themselves Christian, all Christians are lecherous cretins with questionable morals and crazy ideas.

    See how silly that argument is? This couple certainly has questionable ethics but to trot them out as being representative of an entire community is dishonest at bet, and truly reprehensible.

  16. get rid of the Federal Reserve's IRS and the Gays have nothing to demand .. except this was an assault on the American Religious Freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution

  17. @8:58
    Please tell me exactly and specifically how this violates the constitution?

    I don't think you can. But I am open to hearing it.


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