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Sunday, November 08, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Six cops, fire truck, one accident


  1. Justifying there jobs .

  2. SOME of the firemen....are volunteers. Be thankful people are willing to help out.

  3. Better than patrolling high crime areas. What else do you expect the cops to do? Have to make sure no drugs involved in that accident.

  4. Joe wboc big story at 5 and 6 a deer smashing through a window ?

    1. ....at SU, deer was put down due to injuries.

  5. If it is a way they can make money (giving out tickets) they will show up. I bet all 6 of them came up with something to charge the driver with.

  6. Thank you first responders for being there when the community needs you, regardless what these morons think.

  7. Nowhere does is show 6 cops.

  8. They all heard it was free donut day at the dealerships.

  9. Lots of standing around while traffic (folks heading for Delaware) backed up over a mile.

  10. Jealousy. .. you all wish you could do the jobs you all cry about...

  11. 6:49 no you are wrong I wasn't picked on in school don't have a napolean complex, pursued an education and would never have some government idiot tell me what to do! it's alot safer to stand out there then patrol the ghetto!

  12. It amazes me the amount of disrespect the readers show police and firemen on here. It amazes me even more that SBYNews chooses to not reject these disrespectful comments. You squeal about lack of respect in today's youth and have no clue that kids learn respect at home. It is apparent the comments made by some readers of SBYNews were not taught. respect nor are they teaching respect. I surely hope you never have need to crawl from under your rock and call 911 requesting help. Rest assure they will be there to help you, no matter how big a jerk you are.,

  13. Typical of cops. Like when 10 of them line the highway for a drug arrest of...... 3 joints of pot! Every cop on the scene gets their name in the report. Helps them with promotions. They get to say they were part of the arrest. Lol . After the perps cuffed and in custody by one cop! Padding their careers like this is criminal. Falsifying documents. Using apropriated funds I.e. time and pay to lie and benefit from it.

  14. Whoever the coward is that sent this in----walk the walk then you can crow like an idiot. Do you know all the circumstances or just what you observe passing by?

  15. 8:25 spoken like a true liberal! we don't dial 911. what good would it do? they send someone out to take a report! big deal, I'll make it easy for you and them, they can take the report and the body with them, save them the trouble of having to have one more open ended case in their files!

  16. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It amazes me the amount of disrespect the readers show police and firemen on here. It amazes me even more that SBYNews chooses to not reject these disrespectful comments. You squeal about lack of respect in today's youth and have no clue that kids learn respect at home. It is apparent the comments made by some readers of SBYNews were not taught. respect nor are they teaching respect. I surely hope you never have need to crawl from under your rock and call 911 requesting help. Rest assure they will be there to help you, no matter how big a jerk you are.,

    November 3, 2015 at 8:25 PM

    it is not disrepect when they are called out for the crap they do.

  17. 8:25, It amazes me how LIBERALS like you think when it is convenient for YOU, you want me to take away someones First Amendment Right to secure your cause. God Forbid you act like a man and a cop and grow a backbone.

    I have many close friends who are police officers. Of course we remain silent about our friendships because of Jim Ireton and Mike Lewis, two people who are so paranoid they'll fire anyone who has anything to do with me. WOW, I'm one powerful little man, eh.

    Here's the thing Folks. It just goes to show you when you see a comment like 8:25's, even though they are told to stay away from SBYNews, they come here anyway. Love me or hate me, tens of millions of people visit us because we don't drop to our knees for one side OR the other. I'm going to get the inside information no matter what. Why, because people like Jim Ireton are simply hated because he treats people like crap. They come to ME because they know, not only will others like the DT's or WBOC will go running back to Mike or Jim and narc on whomever tipped them off and I WON'T!

    Funny how one viewer sends in these pictures and law enforcement gets all up in arms. Funny how viewers comment and law enforcement gets their feelings hurt. You know what, the Eastern Shore has had enough of the abuse of power. There is an outlet that will expose and challenge the wrong doing of law enforcement, get over it. However, you must not be a very good cop if you point the blame at me for something like the pictures in this post.

    Let me say this as well. SBYNews is dependent on LOCALS. When someone LOCAL sends us pictures and information, we're going to publish it, unlike the rest of the media who covers things up. The reason we are so successful is because the COMMUNITY is a part of what we do. My critics can deny we have all the traffic we enjoy, so what. However, there are thousands of people who have seen our traffic FIRST HAND and I make a strong point every time I see someone to pull out my phone and show them LIVE numbers so they can spread the word.

    So cry all you want, we are the #1 local news source, period, end of story. In this case, obviously someone has a problem with so many police officers at one accident while crime is so high in Salisbury AND Wicomico County.

  18. aww come on joe, why you always posting the truth?
    What's the matter with you. It's not all the crime and drugs going on in smallsbury, the real problem is you keep pointing it out!
    lmao! driving the libs mad!

  19. Blogger my2sense said...
    Whoever the coward is that sent this in----walk the walk then you can crow like an idiot. Do you know all the circumstances or just what you observe passing by?

    November 3, 2015 at 11:22 PM

    lol. with all the crap we see kops doing on video you want to call someone else a coward? I couldn't hit someone I hated who had handcuffs on, much less a total stranger like you punks like to do.

    BTW, how is that lawsuit against salis. and spd coming?


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