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Friday, November 13, 2015

Betamax Tapes Going Off The Market: This Post Was Not Written In 1988

You may remember the videotape format wars of the 1980s, where VHS eventually triumphed over Betamax, making that one family on your street who couldn’t borrow videos from everyone else feel very silly. After the format wars ended, Betamax didn’t vanish. Players were still manufactured until 2002, and Sony was still making tapes until very recently. 


  1. It was too bad that VHS won the war over Betamax. Betamax was a far superior format.

  2. I find it irritating that sony gets to make the call...they did with dvd & now blue ray. I'll decide which I like better, thank you very much. Sony is overrated & thinks TOO highly of it's monopolious self.
    (I still like my vhs tapes over dvd, which I can't stand.)

  3. Super 8. It's the only way to go, 6:19!

  4. I prefer horse and buggy to automobiles and coal oil lamps over that electricity thing.

  5. We need to return to reel to reel film and 33 and 45 records.I will never forget how much we loved our first VCR.We were the first in our neighborhood to get one and the local kids congregated in our living room.I'm embarrassed to say how much we payed for it,but it was a lot,even by today's standards.

  6. Hey 7:45, I bet if we kept it til now, we could get our money back LOL

  7. 4:28, yes, Betamax was much better.

    Showed my age. Over and out.


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