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Friday, November 13, 2015

Are The Marines Getting Desperate?

The Marine Corps is conducting a review of its physical fitness programs. The review will take into account all physical fitness standards. That includes scoring tables for fitness tests and height, weight and body fat standards for all Marines. The review must provide recommendations to the Marine Corps commandant by July 1, 2016. The review was prompted by feedback from Marines during the commandant’s Corps-wide tour.


  1. I don't believe it for one second..The few, the proud.

    1. It's the new Obama military. When complaints are made to the big dawgs by a few soldiers, changes are made that effect everyone. This goes for all branches of the military.

  2. Here we go again. The Marines have always had a vigorous PT regiment. If you can't do it you get set back or sent home. That's why they gave other branches to join.

    1. Lowering standards for wait for it wait for it ,Trangenders.

  3. leave the CORPS the way it is has worked exceptionally well for 240 years and it is the rigid regimen that instills the esprit de corps that has guarded this country for so long don't try to break our spirit,never happen SEMPER FI and GOD BLESS AMERICA

  4. In order to make the pt test even easier for women they would first need to make the pt test for the men easier then they can make thept test for the eomen even easier then it is now.

  5. They have been talking about changing the standards for decades. I served 20 years in the Marines and they talked about it then. However the people who were talking about it were NOT MARINES! The Marines have standards and not everyone can meet those standards. I don't believe for one minute that the Marines will allow it's standards to be lowered. It just not going to happen.

  6. Should its standards be lowered, we will have Marines who are not as fit and not as physically or mentally capable to complete their missions. As those missions become more demanding and complex, we need only the best and only those who can continue to be the best at what they do. Lower the standards and it will lower the concept of "best" to accept mediocre as good, good as excellent, and excellent as Navy material. (wink, wink)

  7. if they can't pass the Marine's pt test, they can always be cops


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