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Sunday, October 25, 2015

Your Thoughts?


  1. Looks great to me.

  2. We can only dream , it's a win-win situation.

    However , I do believe with the present establishment(crooked) our country is lost forever. The democrats have enough votes (illegal)
    to win.

  3. The Dream Team. It would be nice but don't hold your breath.

  4. switch Cruz and Trump and I'm in!

  5. To the above (and all similar) dreamers -

    You are in for a nightmare (Dem. victory) if this time next year it looks anything like that would be the potential Rep. lineup with that clown in the White House.

    Dump Trump ASAP and let the cream rise to the top. The point of no return is almost here.

  6. I say Sware them in, the sooner the better.

  7. Other than wannabe Donald, none has any interest in the other positions. Carson quit as a doc for various reasons and is not running for a supporting role. Nor are the others.

  8. Looks like a winning line up to me.

  9. 7:24 I totally agree with you!

  10. Question -

    who is that at the lower left, Dan Quale's son?

  11. That's AWESOME! !!,GREAT JOB! !

  12. Trump/Carson 2016 and bring back Colin Powell!

    1. Colin Powell was a sell out. He supported Obama solely because he was black. I was once a supported of Powell but not any more.

  13. Ain't gonna happen.

  14. If these six people agreed and they announced it tomorrow, it would be over - except for waiting for next November!

    This group has what it takes to get our country back on track from the socialist deviations we have been moving with! Problem is that all of them have too big an ego to take the jobs they would be best suited for!

  15. At 7:45,
    That's Trey Gowdy.

  16. only a couple worth keeping in that photo!

  17. All are GREAT choices except what about Romney for POTUS?

  18. We can only dream.

  19. Something like this should be announced, if people knew who was going in, the whole package, it could influence voters.

  20. We've already had enough war criminals as SecDef.

  21. That would be a dream come true for this country.

  22. Send proof that Alan West is a war criminal. That is news to me.

  23. Not one talks to me as a voter...not one cares about my problems...not one wants to feed poor children, not one wants to help educate our children, not one wants to keep Medicare and Social Security for our older citizens who have worked their whole lives, just to live in poverty due mostly to the old political machine where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. If only we could live in a society where everyone really were equal. I pray that God will touch one of the candidate's heart and lead them to victory and be a president that we all can be proud of and that all of us can say, he or she really have our best interests at heart. "You can say I am a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."

  24. Add in Rand Paul as Secretary of the Treasury and I'll settle for it.

  25. Donald Trump would not be good as vice president or in ANY cabinet position. His arrogance would not allow him to be told what to do by anyone. I don't think he will win the republican nomination, but he has woke up the party and the republicans showing them things must change.

  26. I would put Carly in charge of the IRS.

  27. 2:25 - once Trump is out of the race his T-party and similar supporters will stay home just like last time and the Democrat -- Hillary or Biden -- will win.

  28. What's Carson's view on the new mammogram rules that they just released -- fewer exams (it's Obamacare in action).


  29. If this happened, it would be great for the country, but in any arrangement, it would still be great for These are all great folks who value our Country's standards.

  30. "switch Cruz and Trump and I'm in!" Couldn't agree more. Trump would be OK in a supporting role, but the glib one-liners don't cut it as president. Reminds me of another presidential candidate who had catchy sound-bytes, but no meaningful platform. Anybody remember 'hope and change', 'Yes, we can', blah, blah, blah. Cruz, on the other hand, is a man of substance.

  31. OMG there are actually people out there wanting Trump to be POTUS.

  32. I would have agreed with you on Trey until last Thursday.


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