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Friday, October 23, 2015

Woman Flipped Off the Mayor, So He Had a SWAT Team Raid Her House

Piedmont, MO – Tina Warren has been fighting her local government over rising water bills, leaving her at odds with the town’s mayor, Bill Kirkpatrick. Warren has been running a number of campaigns against his policies, and she has even been flipping the mayor the middle finger every time she sees him.

Tina’s local activism made her a target for the local police, who pulled her over several times, reportedly demanding that she stop a petition drive that she was organizing about water bills.

According to Warren, her house was also raided and searched for drugs on Kirkpatrick’s orders. Now she is filing a harassment lawsuit against the city, stating that the mayor and the local police colluded to intimidate her and prevent her activism.



  1. Mayor needs thicker skin. Freedom of expression. No?

  2. Politics and the power it brings.......
    I suppose the police knew that the raid was bogus, but in the interest of "protecting" and "serving", they raided the house anyway.
    Which begs the question--- whom are they protecting and serving??
    Armed government enforcers do the will of their masters and are not concerned about your safety, well-being, or the law.
    Top to bottom, highest to the lowest, hang them all.
    Just like Jefferson told us to do and for the very reason he predicted. They have forgotten their place. Or,
    Keep cheering.


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