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Friday, October 23, 2015

DOJ: Lois Lerner Will Not Face Criminal Charges in Targeting Scandal

Lois Lerner will not face criminal charges for targeting conservative and Tea Party groups during her time at the Internal Revenue Service, the Department of Justice said Friday.

CNN reported that the Justice Department will not bring charges against Lerner, who served as the director of exempt organizations at the IRS, and will close its two-year investigation into the alleged improper targeting.

The government agency said in a letter to Congress that investigators found “substantial evidence of mismanagement, poor judgment, and institutional inertia leading to the belief by many tax-exempt applicants that the IRS targeted them based on their political viewpoints.”

However, the letter said that “poor management is not a crime.” No one at the agency will face charges.



  1. Yep gonna start getting worse for us ..got the green lite to attack any thoughts not part of the globlist demons plans. Next hillary will again go un-punished. (How many was that of the 377 non no's)

  2. So why did she take the 5th and not testify? The targeting was real. This is a steaming pile left on our doorstep by the White House.

  3. Hillary's case was the template to determine where to go.The 2 cases aren't directly related,but close enough in nature to predict an outcome.

  4. Relax. Once the Kenyan king leaves and Trump gets in game on for ms. Lerner.

  5. yeah, like we didn't see that coming

  6. What a crock, of course anyone with at least one gray cell still firing would know that no charges and no jail time would ever be administered. No justice done, just more injustice.

  7. The government is lawless we have no protection.


  9. Two sets of laws.
    Right in your face. Unapologetic. Unabashedly arrogant.
    "We, the people" go to prison. She retires at full pension.
    And it cannot do anything but get worse. That's the Law of Entropy.
    Think of how all of your cheering this wanna-be Nazi regime will look
    in the spotlight of history. Something like how the Germans looked in 1946.

    All of you "goot ci-di-zins" who take every opportunity to show everyone that no matter what is done to you, no matter what they do, YOU are still a loyal subject, ready and willing to watch your neighbors, submit to any search, and sacrifice any and all rights.
    March your children right into the ovens because they told you it was for your own good.
    Keep cheering. And re-electing these pretenders who spend most of their time looking for "new and creative" ways to further subjugate you. And strengthening their grip on complete control and irresistible power.


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