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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What it would take to build the fence Donald Trump wants between the US and Mexico

The land border between the US and Mexico is 1,933 miles in length, and Donald Trump would like to see all of it sealed off—as would nearly half of all Americans, according to a survey by the Pew Research Center. (At 46%, the share of those who favor putting a fence along the entirety of the US’ southern border has not changed since 2007—although in the latest poll, released Oct. 8, the profile of supporters skewed whiter, older, and more Republican.)

Erecting an end-to-end barrier would be a complicated and costly endeavor, though.

Here’s a look at the fencing that currently runs along roughly a third of the border, based on reports from the US Congressional Research Center (pdf) and the Government Accountability Office (pdf). Most of the fencing was built between 2005 and 2011, although barrier construction along the border dates back as far as 1990 (pdf).



  1. China did it, The great wall.

  2. if china could do it hundreds of years ago why can it not be done now. We went to the moon in the 1960's now lets sure up our property lines.

  3. 1:44-Thank you for the laugh.Try thousands of years ago.

  4. There is enough military personnel to put a man every 50 feet to protect the border no fence needed.

  5. The wall will not stop it. What may stop it is if the U.S.A. STOPS taking care of them. They want to be here then take care of yourself just like we have to. No free anything plus no tax breaks. If we stop that then maybe we will have a chance. This is just my feelings right or wrong I own them. map

  6. Yes the Chinese did it....with slave labor! There were no unions back then.

  7. Have the obama welfare crowd build it tbere doing nothing.


  9. Hey, it'll create jobs for the unskilled welfare takers!

    Any illegal committing a crime here, should be required to complete 60 days digging with a hand shovel and hauling bricks and masonry, to help build it. Sneak back in, get a double sentence, and so on.


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