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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

America’s smartphone addiction is only getting worse

Americans spend nearly three hours a day on their mobile devices — checking social media, watching TV and surfing the Web, according to a new study.

And that doesn’t even include time spent making phone calls.

The addiction to smartphones and tablets is growing,research tracker eMarketer reported. In 2016, the time spent in front of the small screen is expected to expand by 14 minutes to 3 hours, 8 minutes a day.

What’s more, Americans will spend an added 30 minutes a day on social media sites via mobile devices.

The mobile-usage number isn’t all good news for mobile marketers. Believe it or not, the increase represents a dramatic slowdown from previous years and is happening during an Olympics and an election year, which typically drive media viewing.



  1. If you use the phone that much, you have to charge the battery too often. I don't want to have to charge mine every day.

  2. I charge my phone 2-3 times a day and that's waiting for it to get to less than 10% battery life. I don't have Internet or cable at home so I use my phone for everything.

    1. Get cable cancel phone. I don't have a cell phone and so just fine. Huge sense of freedom when I threw it away 2 years ago. Try it.


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