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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Trump: 'Vast Majority' of GOP in Congress Are On Obama's Side

Donald Trump said President Obama usually gets what he wants because so many Republicans in Congress are on his side.

"Here's the problem," the presidential contender said on CBS on Sunday. "You cannot win when you have a group of 25 or 30 percent on this side, and you have a group of 70 percent on this side," he said, referencing congressional Republicans.

"It's so sad. Because if they were really going to fight, and if they took that 30 percent stance, assuming they wanted to really make changes and do it right, and cut the budget, cut the deficit, and do things that they should be doing, if they took that group and if everybody was unified, Obama would fold," Trump added. "But there's no reason for him to ever fold, because he knows that a big proportion, a vast majority of the Republicans are on his side."

Speaking on Syria, Trump said the Arab states should contribute to creating a safe zone for refugees and questioned why they weren't doing more to defend themselves.



  1. Another truth first uttered by The Donald.

  2. Dare I say it, he's right again.

  3. That's why boneless has decided to retire and many more will lose their seats as well. Just like cantor in Virginia did.


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