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Monday, October 19, 2015

Top Dem on Benghazi Committee Slams Group for Lack of Transparency

Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), top Democrat on the House Select Committee on Benghazi, once again slammed the committee for not being “transparent” or fulfilling its job.

Appearing on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” Cummings said the committee needs a “complete transparent record” and called for Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.), chairman of the committee, to release all of the transcripts from their interviews. Again, the Maryland congressman criticized the committee for “zeroing in on Hillary Clinton” which he said was evident by who the House committee interviewed.

“The fact is, this is a Benghazi committee. Perhaps another Committee on Oversight might want to look into all that,” Cummings said, referring to Clinton’s controversial use of a personal email server. “We have actually strayed away from what we were supposed to be doing. And again, I’m looking for transparency.”

Cummings said he plans to release the Democrats’ report that includes a variety of unclassified interview transcriptions this week.



  1. Regardless representative POS, the investigation HAS uncovered enough evidence to convict her and a number of her staffers of the same crime General Petraeus was convicted of! The fact that is is hurting her election chances means that you dumbocrats can't handle the truth!

  2. Look at who is calling the kettle black. This guy is so freaking STUPID!!! If hillary and oBama were transparent in the first place there wouldn't be a committee. The stupid African American voter who gives this idiot a job every election fits the mold as well.

  3. 1154 he is stupid along with his voter base. He's too stupid to be evil. He's acting like the ones who got him there.

  4. And you are going to allow this uneducated thug press time. This guy is so racist and so stupid he doesn't know if Obama is a Muslim or not.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Elijah the Communist is far from stupid - try EVIL

    October 19, 2015 at 11:54 AM

    You are ignorant. He is stupid. Obviously you have never heard him speak.

  6. 9:46 - I think they're called Baltimorons!

  7. Cummings is nothing but a lazy, filthy, cowardly, treasonous piece of known human garbage. He is a liar and corrupt person as illustrated by his politics and association with Baltimore. This man is an insult to all of humanity. He would sell his mother to line his pockets. He's on the same level as Sharpton and has no honor, no code and no respect for the Constitution. He's also, along with Obama, Clinton, Biden, Lynch and basically every democrat, a true enemy of this nation and should be impeached and imprisoned for the rest of his treasonous worthless life!


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