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Monday, October 19, 2015

GOP Lawmaker: Dems' Obstruction Slowing Benghazi Probe

Responding to criticism that the investigation into the Benghazi attack has stretched on longer than the Watergate investigation, Rep. Mike Pompeo, R-Kan., said Sunday that the committee has been working for so long because of obstruction on the part of Democrats.

"What's taken us so long is Democrats on the committee and in this administration have played hide the ball," he said on NBC's "Meet the Press." "We would have been happy to move more quickly but we were met with obstruction all along the way."

Hillary Clinton is expected to testify this week before the House Select Committee on Benghazi.



  1. I think the proper way of saying that Hillery will be in court is to say she will "Testi-lie" instead of "Testify".

  2. The money spent on all these hearings could have gone to protect the embassies. But we couldn't afford that could we? Why were those funds cut?

  3. Benghazi is a Clinton trap, this committee is going to end up looking like idiots.


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