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Sunday, October 04, 2015

Today's Poll Question 10-1-15

Do you believe the United States 
will go to war with Russia?


  1. of course we will go to war with another great power such as Russia or china or North Korea or all of them combined...

    Look at what US is doing or trying to do to Syria and Russia is helping Syria... Well China and North Korea help Syria as well...

    But that would be for the NWO and well you clowns don't believe in that and that it could never possibly happen... YET IT IS right in front of you and you still refuse to understand and believe there is evil out here in the likes of which you have never never seen before...

    You people get so mad at people who hurt and do cruel things to animals but you can't comprehend that there are sick SOB's out here trying to hurt humans too? god you people are so obtuse it isn't even funny anymore... it is now beyond scary...

  2. I hope not because I agree with Russia concerning Syria. The rebels are Muslim extremest. We are on the wrong side of the conflict. We have no business being there to begin with!

    1. You need to listen to the news- Putin says Russia is fighting ISIS. Looking at maps of the bombing areas. Russia has not attacked ISIS territory but rather areas of opposition groups fighting against the Syrian government President, Assad. Putin has vowed to support Assad

      I believe the possibility of war to be a concern, especially with Obama and Kerry saying "we will hold a talk asap" and believing that is going to resolve the problem Guess we can hold talks and tell Putin and Assad killing Syrians is a "no no". With that approach we will be seeing another 9/11 in the USA.

  3. It seems that we are at war now, from within. Obama is doing the best he can by causing turmoil within our own people.

  4. we are already there

  5. obombma has already lost the war with russia that we had won many years ago.

  6. I say Bring it on Already, sign up All dems first.

  7. Yes, because the illegal Muslim from Kenya that resides illegally in the White House is to stupid to prevent it. When this does happen I hope someone puts that Kenyan Muslim out of his misery. And take some stupid Democrats with them.

  8. We have been at war with Russia(USSR) since the day WW2 ended. It just hasn't been open warfare as both side know that total destruction would be a bad thing for the elites bankers that give them orders.

  9. No I don't as the US is not a concern to Russia anymore. To President Putin, obama and his admin are the JV Team.

  10. The so called opposition groups are ISIS and other terrorist groups who want Assad out. They want an Islamic nation governed by Sharia. Assad kept a secular nation and the terrorists at bay. Killing terrorists was the so called slaughter he is accused of. Same as the terrorists did with the Shah of Iran years ago and more recent Mubarak and Qaddafi. They claim they want democracy. Unfortunately obama has no clue of the history of the region or a clue about anything else for that matter.
    US best be served by trusting in President Putin than obama who has proven time and time over that the only thing he is proficient at is lying.

  11. Russia is basically our only hope to rid the world of ISIS.We should join in.

  12. "When this does happen I hope someone puts that Kenyan Muslim out of his misery"

    Could we be so lucky. It will be a glorious day when the ghetto trash Obama takes his last breath. He serves no useful purpose to anyone.
    The worst part is that he multiplied and now more uselessness exists.

    1. Well actually. He does serve a purpose..just not to the hard working American. To all the ghetto rats and welfare tit suckers he's a god like figure because they're better off now thanks to him than most of us that work for a living.

  13. We , as a country , will do nothing about Russia involvement.
    After Obama made the stupid comments to their leader about our strength , he just laughs and did a challenge .
    Obama is our military leader , a pussie and a communist . He won't do a damn thing and neither will congress , also a bunch of spineless pussies.
    We do not , I repeat , do not have the military strength to challenge any country. Obama has made sure we are the weakest in the history of our nation.

  14. putin said dealing with Obama is like playing chess with a pigeon

  15. Not with this spin less jelly fish Muslim we have playing president.

  16. Got to love how community organizer fold under pressure because they our out of their league when they leave the neighborhood.

  17. Depends on what idiot is in the white house.

  18. A muslim president getting rid of his fellow brothers ? .

  19. I hate to sound like Bill Clinton but it depends on the meaning of war. Will there be incidents; some minor, some sizeable? Then yes. Will there be a nuclear event with Russia? I doubt it. If it does occur it will occur before the next president is sworn in.

    We need to understand that a war is between the leaders of two different political factions which will then ultimately involve the citizens. Will Putin kick sand in Obama's face? Count on it. But will an embarrassed Obama use the military to save face. What do you think?

    Can you or I start a war with the citizens of Russia? No. Nor do we have a reason to. But will Obama want a war with Putin or visa versa. It could happen.

  20. We are at war with Russia now.

    ISIS (was al qaeda was the mujahadeen) has been funded by us since the 70's. They just get rebranded on occassion. This last transformation happened right after the "I won't be AQ's Air Force" PR disaster. ISIS still uses the AQ flag. Isn't that suspicious? And how is it we could bomb Sadam's troops entering Kuwait (aka, Highway to Hell), but we couldn't do the same to ISIS as they went to Iraq to capture all the military supplies that weren't defended?

    The "moderate rebels" that we trained never existed as moderate rebels. Congressional testimony was we spent $500 million to train 5 fighters. Where did the money go? Maybe to all those "accidental" airdrops that we had that went to ISIS. The other groups were really fictitious entities. As soon as they got the weapons, equipment, and cash they swore allegiance to ISIS. Note that John McCain met with the "moderate rebels" that are now ISIS. That's odd that he still calls them moderates, don't you think?

    And listen to the US doublespeak. They basically say that Assad's existence is causing instability. Once he leaves, there will be no more violence. So tell me this - if ISIS is our enemy and the ones fighting Assad, how do we control when the fighting stops? Hmm.

    So our proxy army, ISIS, has been in direct confrontation with Russia for some time. Their troops have been there quietly, and now it's out in the open. No way Russia gives up their only warm water port and access to the Mediterranean.

    Things are really heating up, too. China put a naval ship in the area. The US and Russia are both flying their best planes in the same country for sortis. I really think we're going to be openly involved in this thing before too long, fighting on the side of ISIS. At that point, the whole world sees the charade and Russia's going to have the moral high ground. Go figure!

  21. " Anonymous said...

    Got to love how community organizer fold under pressure because they our out of their league when they leave the neighborhood.

    October 1, 2015 at 12:15 PM"

    Exactly. Obama is ghetto trash raised by a very nasty family of white trash. You get him out of the ghetto and beyond the dumbed down Americans who voted for him and he is so out of his league.

  22. I don't think so. While we're playing whatever game this is with Putin, some other nuclear power will strike us, maybe China or North Korea. And the administration will be all surprised not to have seen it coming. But our military won't be surprised. They warned about it all along but no one listens to them anymore because Obama and Kerry are in their own ivory tower listening only to themselves. I hope we last long enough for the next election, but I'm very worried.

  23. Not a chance. A war between the two will be nuclear. End of the world.

    1. Well then the 4 blood moons where correct.

  24. YES, then King Obama can stay in office per the 911 laws.

  25. I believe that there will be a war started before the next election, started as an attempted power grab by the democrats.

  26. President Putin is correct in that the survival of the Assad regime is very important so it makes sense to target the 'opposition' groups. Assad is the barrier that is keeping Syria from becoming a terrorist nation.

  27. In just 7 short years, our President, yes, our supposed to be "Commander In Chief" along with all of the other liberal minded politicians have completely changed the way we are viewed as a nation. We are more racially divided then we have ever been. Morality is non-existent, its a crime to be a Christian, and people like Bruce Jenner are put on a podium and called courageous, all while the USA is the weakest we have ever been as a nation. This makes us vulnerable and it is the optimum time for any of our enemies to pick a fight with us. God help us all!

  28. 316 u r exactly correct

  29. We have become a pathetic shadow of our former self.

  30. Personally, I will side with Putin before I will cow tail to the infidel that is currently occupying the White House.

    Obama has got this Country so screwed up - that it will take a Russian President to make things right again in the US.

    When are our people finally going to realize that Obama is to stupid to be able to maneuver our Country into controlling anything. Hell - we had the Iraq situation under control when Bush deployed the surge. All we had to do is set-up a small contingency force to reinforce the Iraqi military. . . but no . . . the stupid Kenya imbecile was to dumb to comprehend that chaos would ensue a complete US Military withdrawal.

    As you can probably tell - I am with Putin on this one.

  31. I stand with President Putin as well.

  32. "Anonymous said...

    Well actually. He does serve a purpose..just not to the hard working American. To all the ghetto rats and welfare tit suckers he's a god like figure because they're better off now thanks to him than most of us that work for a living.

    October 1, 2015 at 12:28 PM"

    True. We saw this in Baltimore and Ferguson. Obama appeals to the lowest of the low. The dregs of society. They resemble human beings but never evolved into civilized human beings.

  33. We are already in a proxy war with Russia

    1. Well we were in sprout war with Russia. Now Russia has stepped around it's proxy and is directly involved with military actions against those we support. Big difference is that the rebels we support and train (and Russia is attacking) don't have recognition as a nation or they would be an ally. If they were an ally we would be committed to an armed response. Obama is a coward. Now we are viewed as cowards globally.

  34. Let Russia have Syria we'll take Iraq then eventually iran.


  35. No,the U S will never go to WAR with Russia.NEVER....

    1. Correct not with the Coward obama in the WH.

  36. My solution for the US - conscript all of the Democrats and send them over to Afghanistan, Syria - and may the best man win.

    It would be a win - win for America - as it would rid our Country of all the undesirables in one full swoop.

  37. I think we will have a civil war first.

  38. Let Russia have Syria. We'll take Iraq. It's obvious Iraq can't take care of themselves so we'll do it. Get Isis out of Iraq. We'll take over the oil fields. We'll sell gas for 2.50 a gallon here. 1.50 of that will go to paying off our debt. When that's paid for we'll sell gas for 1.00 a gallon. Simple as that. If we don't pay off this debt our kids r screwed

    1. I like you way of thinking! Sounds Donald-esqe. It could work.

  39. Putin is no fool,he wants to turn Syria into another Viet Nam so he can draw us into a war indirectly.He will supply the weapons and support and encourage the destruction of Isreal.The ultimate goal being the control of most of the worlds energy. That fool Bush thought he could trust Putin and now it is that traitor Obama. Putin is not to be trusted EVER.

  40. I hope not... In my humble opinion Putin is primarily trying to enforce his doctrine "Russia for Russians, not Muslims". I agree with him.= on that. We also need to resist the Muslim invasion.

  41. We're always the first to go to war any war, we can't keep out of trouble in other countries and continents, we jump in unprepared, our soldiers lack what they need to fight a good fight, we are ashamed when they return, and don't take care of our wounded veterans. We are the bad seed if the so called family, not because we the people don't care, but our presidents and leaders don't.


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