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Sunday, October 04, 2015

Mayor Ireton's Magic Ball, Predictive Policing: Liberals Will Spend Your Money On Anything!

The Salisbury Police Department is under a brand new program and Police Officers are NOT happy about it. The program is what they call, "Prodictive Policing". 

The City is paying out what we have been told is close to $100,000.00 to buy this new program in the hope they can PREDICT where crime will occur next. 

Wow, predicting crime, (I GUESS) is the new way of being proactive, NOT. How about letting Officers do their job. Will they be teaching PREDICTIONS in the Police Academy now? 

The program states:

PredPol’s cloud-based software enables law enforcement agencies to better prevent crime in their communities by generating predictions on the places and times that future crimes are most likely to occur.

Dozens of communities across the US and overseas are experiencing dramatic reductions in crime thanks in large part to PredPol software technology.

Only three pieces of data are used to make predictions – type of crime, place of crime, and time of crime. No personal data is utilized in making these predictions. 

Any good leader would have easily noticed a pattern in crime waves but now the taxpayers are being subjected to pay out all this money for a program that "predicts" where the next crime may occur. 

Here's a video the company endorses in the hope of convincing the public the program actually works. It was your election to lose. 


  1. Ridiculous...Police the area around the SPD Headquarters and across Rt. 50 in Fitzwater area....then hit Church St. AKA "pharmaceutical section" that will get at least 80% of the crime in Salisbury...didn't even need a computer program to figure that out...

  2. Wow-just wow. They should be ashamed but all three in photo are liberals.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. WEll now , when you think you've seen it all , just for $hits and giggles. WTF is happening out there?
    What we need is a computer software to tell us we no longer need cops , hell they are restricted now.

  5. I want to sell them the Brooklyn Bridge and have it installed here across the Wicomico River. :) 50% off today only.

  6. another bone headed move by the teacher Jimbo.

  7. I predict there will be some crime as the nasty run down hotel section of Salisbury...where's my $10,000?

  8. I've got some fairy dust I'll sell them! Cheap, too!

  9. Why don't you hire "Johnny Wishbone" the psychic or one of those other so-called mediums who can predict the future; this is silly. If mystics and psychics were so good than they all would be rich. They should be able to predict what the next lottery numbers will be. Another democrate program designed to spend and waste money!

  10. LOL this was in effect when they robbed the New royal farms in parsons rd this week i didnt see the cops waiting there for the perp that got AWAY.

  11. Its called stop and frisk but the idiots mayor and police Chef won't do it bc it will piss off there black voters ask Ny.

  12. Call me now miss cleo.

  13. they call, "Prodictive Policing".

    WTF is Prodictive Policing?

  14. The data will show that crime in more likely in certain areas and at certain times of day, thus the police have an opportunity to step up patrols in those areas and deter crime. You can do the same thing by loading existing data into Excel and a paper map on the wall. Don't need to spend the $$. Geesh!

    1. Ireton is pulling his police chief back bc he doesn't want to anger blacks in the hood,end of story.

  15. prodictive policing is when cops drive down church st

  16. It is politically correct "profiling." The Liberals cannot admit to being wrong so they call it something else. Even my 11 year old knows where most crimes will be committed in the Bury.

  17. I am not a Salisbury resident but I can tell you PRODUCTIVE Policing would be to spend the money on more officers and flood the neighborhoods with their presence.

    I don't need a computer to tell me highest areas of crime are Church & Naylor Street area, Delaware Ave area from Rt. 50 to Brew River, Pemberton and the Reservation.

    WOW, what a waste of somebody's time and the taxpayers money.

    1. Reservation not in city limits

  18. Well damn, if they don't know by now where the problems are in this town and where they will happen next, they don't need to be policemen/women. They actually really need an program? This is just absolutely, positively ridiculous.

  19. Cops lets start with the dirtbag BEGGERS on the roads.

  20. OK, let's try this example.

    A SPD Officer goes into roll call and his boss tells him, you work this area tonight because "propol" says crime is likely to happen there between 11 pm and 2 am. While you are patrolling an informant tells you another crime, (during those hours) is going to happen just outside that area. Does the Officer patrol the area he was told to patrol or do they relocate him to the other area?

    The problem I see with this program is your taking the training, wisdom and experience away from the Officer and relying on a computer program instead.

    Being as short handed as Salisbury is, this could become a major problem. I'd rather depend on an Officer experience to protect a community then I would a computer "predicting" what might happen.

    Like I said in the post. This program is no different then what Police do right now. They know their turf. They know the bad areas and for the most part they have a handle on what to expect. I can see why Officers are upset with this new change. Yes, change for anyone is difficult to accept, I get that. However, what's to happen two years from now when we all come to learn this program was a complete waste. Are they, (Barbara Duncan) to blame the computer system for the increase in crime? Is there a good reason why the Mayor and Police Chief HID this new program from the public???

    1. This is no more than a smoking gun!

    2. LET cops use something called Common Sence my bet is Ireton is getting a kickback.

  21. I love how "cloud based" is plastered all over everything. Let me distill it down for people - this means you don't own it, you don't control it, and you never stop paying for it. It's not great and magical like they try to sell it to you. And remember - if you don't pay for a product, you ARE the product.

    On to predictive policing:

    This just looks at trends and tries to assign a probability to it. Police have been doing this for all of time. It's called patrolling high crime areas. Simple, huh?

    The secret sauce is that this is part of a trend. The magical cloud can do anything! Computers are smarter than people (although they are just programmed by people). So the trend is that centralization and computers is better. People are being programmed to be mindless drones. And since PD's won't hire smart people due to profiling, well, now you see what the long term picture has been all along.

    And remember how computers are programmed by people? Whomever makes the algorithms controls your local police department and every other department that uses their software. We're basically paying somebody to build their own domestic army. And the programming can be used any number of ways to our disadvantage - want to discriminate against a social or political class? Just "predict" crimes in certain areas!

    The VA is also testing computers as decision makers. Their Watson computer, built by IBM, determines treatments for veterans. Thomas Watson was the head of IBM around WWII. The Nazis paid him to build computer systems to catalog and determine the "value" of Jews in the concentration camps. Once the prisoner's health had deteriorated to the point where their output didn't match the resources to control them, they were gassed.

  22. You all are a bunch of know-nothing rednecks. It works. Plain and simple. The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

    1. If it works why do we need police A//WIPE.

    2. 2:45 sounds like babs

  23. We should closely follow the money on this one.

  24. Somebody MUST be getting a kickback (oops--COMMISSION), because this is ludicrous. Just by putting marks on a map showing where crimes have happened, any fool can predict where future crimes are most likely to happen..

  25. This does the job faster and better than a human. The whole purpose is to free up resources to put more officers on the street. Think before you accuse of corruption or whine about wasting money.

    1. Someone has to run the program and/or verify the data.

  26. Ireton's what we (gyspies) call a mark or a Happy Larry. In other you can hose (scam) them, and they don't even know it.
    Hey Ireton Do you need your driveway paved? I know some good pavers-LOL.

  27. It all goes with the belief that the computers are better at policing than the officers. Older officers dislike it, you are micromanaged, and the human aspect is taken out of the community policing that should be done. No longer do they want you to stop and talk with the business owners or citizens on the street. If you aren't on a call for service then you should have a car stopped. That's why the intelligence of the average officer and their people skills suck now. Standards are lowered and there are some real loses being hired. And yes, I am a retired police officer and I cringe hearing stories of what happens during citizen contacts by some of these computer age police.

  28. I find this racist, it just sounds like profiling! How dare you try to predict where crime will take place....(sarcasm)

  29. So when crime rates do not go down will the Mayor pay the tax payers back ,this should be part of the deal .It must be !

  30. If the Mayor is so sure this will work he should give taxpayers a money back warranty /or does he just like wasting money ?

  31. Y'all complain and complain when the police aren't within a mile of a crime scene when something goes down when there are five or maybe six cops to cover 20 square miles of city, but you complain again when they get a tool that might help them do better at predicting where the next crime might occur.
    The success stats for this program are really good.
    You should do more than lurk and spout stupid.

  32. Cops who personally patrol and know residents and perps on a first name basis and their personal habits and hangouts and friends can predict far better than any stupid computer program. Let the cops be cops, Babs!

  33. They have to rely on computers because all the officers are leaving as fast as they can! This is what you get with a police chief with no police experience. I doubt she has ever put handcuffs on anyone by herself.

  34. How can this system be accurate when the police change the crine from burglary to vandalism. Garbage in garbage out as they used to say

  35. Ireton has no balls.

  36. I identify myself as a pysic I will predict crime for 1/2 that amount

  37. Have any of you dear people ever seen the movie with Tom Cruise....Minority Report and there is currently a show by the same name. It's not a brand new concept. The ACLU will have a field day with this though.

  38. This is 1984 and minority report in real life. These pathetic sheeple holding political offices can't see the forest for the trees.

  39. They have been telling us that crime is down in da bury. If that is correct why do we need a 100k dollar computer program to reduce crime.

  40. That pic looks like salisburys newest NWO members.

  41. Stop raising revenue with military style Nazi "checkpoints" and "saturation patrols" and start patrolling (try some "saturation patrols" on Church St, maybe) the areas where EVERYONE knows crime is rampant. No computer needed, thank you.
    Just yesterday the State Police pulled a friend over during rush hour on Business 13 because he "looked down". No kidding. That was the stated reason. "Looking down" (never saw a cell phone or asked if he had one) is now a reason for revenue enhancement? If the cop had bothered to look left or right, he could have seen a hooker on each side of the road and s drug deal going down.
    THAT is the kind of DAILY occurrence that makes the average working man or woman say "Really?? THIS is the best crime you can see? And how much are you getting paid for this??".
    There are places in Salisbury (well known by all) where one can purchase a gun, drugs, pills, or human companionship 24-7. But we must bear the burdens of multiple "campaigns" (otherwise know as a "fund raising drive") to make sure "we, the people" wear our seat belts, don't change lanes too quickly, and no matter what, don't look down. There's MONEY in those people's pockets!!!
    One street over from that dangerous war zone called the "highway", it's business as usual. Whatcha need, man??
    Keep cheering.

  42. We know where the crimes happening. Give me 50k and I'll point it out every night.
    I will say that in places like California they use a similar program to predict medical calls. It has worked tremendously. Even saving so much money and time that less ambulances were needed. We all know that saves alot of money from cost of unit to man power. Don't knock this yet. Let's see if it works. The thing is that the police need to actually be in the areas predicted. Not just sitting around and waiting to go to a call from the station.

  43. Someone is getting a kick back. If not someone needs to be kicked in the ass. This is not L.A. County. It is Smallsbury if Duncan and Matt need a computer program to tell them where crime trends are in this city they both need to go and soon. Ireton should have never been the Mayor to begin with. That guy is the true definition of a asshat.

    I don't blame all the cops leaving SPD they have become a joke under the current leadership.

    On that point the State's Attorneys Office needs a computer program on how to convict murders when there is DNA evidence. This has become a standing joke among officers. Matt and crew like playing detective at SPD. Get your agency under control Duncan or the new Mayor will surely can you incompetent ass.

    1. Lol Matt playing detective! Someone knows the deal. If you golf with kolb you can be a detective.

  44. It's profiling...Profiling is the most accurate predictor of crime known to man.

    1. Its called Common Sence.

    2. But but but crime is down in the Bury, joe do a story on crime in the bury and how the mayor also stated numerous times how crime is down but now they need a system to predict crime ?.

  45. right 4:20 It iS profiling. If the program is asked where most babies will be born in the city, It will no doubt designate the Hospital Area. Same logic. I dont need a computer to tell me that....

  46. It isn't "racial profiling" anymore when the computer lights up the screen and tells the officer what he already knows.

  47. Us thugs are in good with the mayor we are his voters.

  48. What a laugh
    Most crime is an act on opportunity!
    opportunity cannot be predicted or expected.
    Common sense tells you where high crime areas exist.
    Patrol them instead of worrying about catching a few speeders for a couple of bucks.
    Let the officers make the decisions. They are the ones out there day after day. Not some computer that doesn't see immediate change or actions that need response.
    Or some politician who has no clue how to enforce the law.

  49. 9:27 Crime is opportunity + criminal inclination.

    Identifying potential "opportunities" for crime and addressing them promptly, is pro-active policing.

    Identifying "criminal inclination" and addressing it promptly, is "profiling".

  50. Only a Chief that isn't from here would waste money on this. You need to hire within and not from out of the I don't know what happens here chief. She is a joke, worse than Webster, and that is a hard thing to do.

    Can her and hire from within, yes not a lot to choose from but at least they know the history and wouldn't waste money on this joke.

  51. the thought police have arrived. (some of you are safe)

  52. Prevent crime and reduce crime they can't even solve old cases.


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