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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Texas Defunds Planned Parenthood, Alleges Clinics Unsafe, Unsanitary

Texas stripped Planned Parenthood of Medicaid funding Monday, citing undercover videos released by The Center for Medical Progress as evidence of “serious” Medicaid violations.

Planned Parenthood clinics in Texas are “no longer capable of performing medical services in a professionally competent, safe, legal, and ethical manner,” Texas Health and Human Services said in a letter to the non-profit’s affiliates in the state obtained by the Associated Press.

Those affiliates are potentially “liable, directly or by affiliation, for a series of serious Medicaid program violations” highlighted by the videos, the five-page letter read, alleging Planned Parenthood unlawfully alters the timing or method of abortions to harvest desirable tissue from aborted fetuses.



  1. Because an unsafe, unsanitary illegal abortion is so much healthier.

  2. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 20, 2015 at 3:18 PM

    Good. Hey Maryland, it's your turn.

  3. 2:59
    Being a responsible adult would be healthier also. How about preventing a pregnancy so you don't have to murder a child. You can have your abortion they are not saying it is illegal. Just don't ask us to pay for it. Put a dime between your legs is my suggestion.

  4. Way to go TEXAS! You have always had bigger balls than the other states!

  5. 3:31 None of your money pays for abortions and Planned Parenthood is 98% about prevention through birth control. Seems you should be supporting them since you are all about preventing pregnancy.

  6. Obama Crooked BastardoOctober 20, 2015 at 5:37 PM

    4:25 that's a load of crap. Nobody is talking about preventing pregnancy, but preventing A Planned Parenthood from Killing Babies. Now, if u want to prevent pregnancy, stop having unprotected sex. Don't kill the baby, just because you made a mistake, ever heard of Adoption?

  7. 3:31
    When did it become MY job to pay for someones choice in life? We have Obamacare now! They can get all their meds and healthcare that way. No reason to fund planned parenthood.

    None of my money pays for abortion? BS! Taxpayers are paying for abortions.

    If you are going to have sex be prepared to use protection. You also have to be prepared in case the protection fails. It doesn't always work 100%. Also be prepared to raise and care for that child on your own without others having to pay your way for your choice. If you can't do all of the above don't have sex!

  8. The people of Texas get it right again.


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