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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

INSANE! Joe Biden Demands That Europe Protect All Muslims While Accepting Christian Award

Forget about Christians being persecuted, it seems Vice President Joe Biden really just cares about the Muslims in the Middle East.

While accepting an award from the Orthodox Church this week, Biden had the gall to demand Europe take care of Muslims, while ignoring the Christians who have been persecuted.

So let’s not be worried about the Christians who’ve been persecuted and killed for their faith. Let’s just focus all our attention on the Muslims fleeing Syria.

Way to go Joe.



  1. lyin' Joe Biden - the devout Catholic

  2. He has always favored the Muslims, this is why Osama picked him as a VP.

  3. Let the damnation begin now that he might run.

  4. Joe Biden is and always will be a joke. Says he catholic but doesn't go to church. Believes in abortion and gay marriage. Got to love the crazy people in Delaware who voted him in 36 years. No more GM or Chrysler plants then runs for VP and he became the scrapping kid from Scranton. JOKE.

  5. Braindead joe
    Braindead george w
    America wake up.

  6. At least we know what side your on. Yourself.

  7. "Nincompoop" comes to mind!

  8. Remember when he asked a guy in a wheel chair to stand up and take a bow? It's just slow Joe.


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